Family and Friends Forum


Member since
August 2020

1 post

Posted Thu August 13, 2020 5:03pmReport post

I never thought I would be writing something like this ????.

The knock came a week ago for my son, to say I'm shocked is an understatement, apparently hes been viewing images online, he was very open and honest with the police and told them everything , they've taken devices to be looked at , I've had ss round to do a safe guarding check as he has two younger brothers , everything's fine with them and they dont need to come round anymore. Me and my son both work for the same company but in different departments, I'm dreading this getting out as I know he wont cope , work do know what's happening and have furloughed him for the time being . He has signed himself up for a course with LFF , I'm not sure what it's called and he's done one session out of six . I feel numb/shocked/confused and angry. Hes my son, I'll always love him and always be there for him but why has he done this ????. I'm not expecting any replies , I just needed to write it down


Member since
December 2018

85 posts

Posted Thu August 13, 2020 7:45pmReport post

I'm a mum to , this happened to my son 4 years ago, I had all the emotions you are experiencing, it will be a long time probably for them to check devices , just don't tell to many people as you cannot take it back , by reading stories on here you will find a pattern as to why men get caught up in this , alot of the time its because they look at porn, and then it seems all these other images are redely on offer , please look after yourself and him ,

Big hug from one mum to another, your not alone xx