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Post sentencing

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Member since
December 2019

89 posts

hi guys,

Looking for a bit of advice.

Husband is currently living at home under safety plan for children.

He is still being investigated for a one conversation with a vigilante. And nothing else has been found.

Solicitor is advising it is still likely to go to CPS. So I have a few questions.

1) what is the likely outcome?

2) are SS likely to stop husband living at home, the last contact we had the closed case until investigation complete but had completed assessments and were happy for husband to live at home as long as he had supervised contact with children.

I am terrified right now and I just need some hope!


Posted Thu August 13, 2020 9:47pmReport post


Member since
November 2019

501 posts

Hi Notsurewheretogo,

I'm not able to answer your questions. I wish I could. I trust someone can, and give some hope to those of us dealing with vigilantes.
My husband is also being investigated because of vigilantes. I knew nothing of these people until the livestream sting of my husband who is accused of talking to a 13 year old and arranging for meet her. We have lived apart for over a year now. And police have not finished their investigation.
My husband has already been tried publically and found guilty, regardless of evidence and the justice system. I may be wrong, but I get the feeling that the police work extra hard to find evidence in these cases.
I am learning lots about the vigilantes, which shows the majority to not be doing this to protect children. I would go so far as to say they actually groom and lure men. Of course these men should not follow them. How stupid to do so. But these vigilantes are operating without authority and they are adults with an adult brain knowing how to trap, often. vulnerable adults. As our solicitor said 'low hanging fruit'.

i just wanted you to know I read your post. Hopefully others will too. xx

Posted Sun August 16, 2020 10:00pmReport post

New and confused

Member since
September 2020

18 posts

hi notsurewheretogo

This sounds very similar at the moment.

My husband was arrested following a vigilante sting and live streamed. Accused of communication with a child. He is not living at my address but all visits are supervised even though ss closed the case saying no additional risks found.

Have you had any other updates?

His case has gone to cps but no 2nd interview so told by solicitor this can mean they've found no new evidence from 1st interview where he was only asked about the 1 convo. Still so worried about cps and outcome. Plus ss input in the future. Hope your OK and look after yourself!

Posted Wed September 9, 2020 9:52pmReport post

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