Family and Friends Forum

Breach of notification requirements

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Member since
February 2019

18 posts

Not posted for awhile but in need of some support. My husband was in court June last year, received probation and a fine, received an SHPO and placed on register for 5 years, February this year breached his notification requirements, went to court another fine, April this year police found out just before Christmas he had opened a kik messenger account in a different name, back in court in November, could he go to prison and am I a bad person for hoping that he does because I don't think.he realises the impact of what he's done......when will it all end

Posted Sat August 15, 2020 12:07pmReport post


Member since
June 2019

15 posts

Your not a bad person at all, appears like your being tested to your limits and beyond. It's hard enough dealing with this when people are working to make sure they never offend again.

If he carries on breaching his shpo/sor requirements sooner or later he'll end up in prison. Judges take breaches very seriously.

Hope something gets through to him and he starts taking things seriously.

Try to look after yourself.

Posted Sat August 15, 2020 1:45pmReport post


Member since
December 2019

371 posts

I think if you use the search function on the forum there should be previous posts on breaches of SHPO. My partner was told by his probation officer that typically breaches are treated very seriously and we were recommended to learn the restrictions and ever in doubt to contact the police to check they are ok with changes in circumstances.

I cannot say what might happen to your partner but it seems he made an account on purpose and would have known it was against the SHPO. Also my partners police officer contact is very weary of Kik and at the time of his assessment with the probation officer the fact he had a Kik account and using it made him a medium risk. He has since removed it and won't use it again. I use it for one group chat. It can be a seedy horrible chat app and I'm very careful.

Also do not feel bad about wanting your partner to face the toughest consequence. I have told my partner if he messes up I'm gone and out the picture, no other chances.

Has your partner done rehabilitation courses? My partner really valued it. It might help him understand that his actions are not harmless and understand why the restrictions are in place.

Sending hugs

Posted Sun August 16, 2020 11:56amReport post

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