Family and Friends Forum

When will it ever get better?

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Scared sister

Member since
August 2020

1 post

Posted Sun August 16, 2020 7:15amReport post

My brother was sentenced to 5 years in prison at the beginning of this year. It is still so raw for all of us. I'm struggling majorly. I have nightmares about his face when he was in court and all the media coverage. Social media was awful and seeing some of the comments people make about a member of your family is truly traumatising. People don't seem to care about the families. The Police were disgusting towards me and my mum, as if we were all vermin.

I still cry nearly every day. I have power of attorney for my brother whilst he is in prison and I'm having to sell his house. It's all just so much. I feel so alone. I hardly talk to anyone about it because I can see the disgust on people's faces when I try to explain that I feel like I'm grieving.


Member since
November 2019

501 posts

Posted Mon August 17, 2020 2:36pmReport post

I'm so sorry Scaredsister that you are having to go through this ordeal. Have you got anyone in the family that you can turn to for support or are you the one that is trying to be strong for everyone? This is a lot for you to carry.
If you feel the police were unprofessional I would make a complaint. It is dreadful that they made you feel that way. Things have got to change. I have already made a complaint about the leaking of information. I rather got the feeling that it was a cover up job. But can't prove it. I also escalated my complaint and it was still not upheld. But I felt better for having raised it as it would have had some impact I am sure. I think of the poor families that will inevitably follow us and want them not to suffer like I have. X


Member since
November 2019

501 posts

Posted Mon August 17, 2020 2:42pmReport post

PS have you phoned the helpline? They can give some advice. I don't know what your brother was charged with, but there are reasons why and there is help available. I do hope he can access that, they may be able to help. X