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Health Issues of offenders

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Member since
November 2019

501 posts

Posted Sun August 16, 2020 12:34pmReport post

I'm wondering if anyone else's partner/child/friend has any health issues that may help account for their poor decision making.

My husband of nearly 40 years, has already had 2 heart attacks, the second was during this torturous long wait for police investigation. He had already been diagnosed with ankylosing spondyliltis, and has just started on high level pain management. Now a scan following sudden onset tinitus has revealed that he also has arachnoid cyst between his brain and his skull. It is believed the tinitus is due to the stressful situation.

The cyst is of particular interest, as it could explain his behaviour.
Add into this mix of ill health with toxic boss and toxic family and a porn addiction.....

There is no excusing his behaviour. He has hurt me so very badly with his on line and off line activity. But, it highlights to me the uniqueness of each person. And also makes me question, yet again, why we are not doing more as to understand what makes people do what they do. If we as a society truly want to make life better for our children, surely this is more important than the public flogging and humiliation. As if someone's brain is wired in a different way, whether through ill health, porn addiction, or others, they will never make the link to themselves. Professionals who come into contact with people to help them through their lives for example GP, specialists, therapists could flag the dangers, ask the right questions, stop the crime from happening in the first place.
I often wonder why my own GP is not bothered to find out more from me to help others like me. You'd think professional development would be on going.....

To say I feel let down by all professionals I have come across in this situation is an understatement.

Member since
December 2019

48 posts

Posted Sun August 16, 2020 4:13pmReport post

Hi Tabs,

I really hope this area of mental health is explored further by professionals in the future to.

I work for the NHS in mental health, and my experiences with this situation has actually improved the way I deliver care to my patients if I'm honest. Until my partner I had never really had to think about porn addiction nor did I understand it. Now however I am fully aware of the dangers associated and how this can esculate and often try to have open conversations with my patients if appropriate and relevant. As you have mentioned support to the carers is non existent and something I intend to explore further within my career once my personal life is more settled.

I just wish I could wave a magic wand to speed up the process of society in being better educated and aware of this topic. As really a big chunk of stress with this situation is actually caused by society and this stressful aspect of it doesn't need to occur. Here's hoping things improve xxx


Member since
November 2019

501 posts

Posted Sun August 16, 2020 10:09pmReport post

Thank you It's great that you are using your knowledge to try to help others. It so saddens me that many professionals don't want to find out more and help stop others from going down the same path
I've read so much on this subject I think my head may explode! I wonder whether porn addiction or just porn generally is so widespread now that it makes people uncomfortable to discuss as they know that 'there but by the grace of god...'

So sad. X