Family and Friends Forum

I'm desperate- Interim Care Order

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Member since
August 2020

1 post

Looking for some advice or people who have been through a similar situation.

Before we met my partner was arrested for possession of IIOC and charged with a 5-year community order (reduced to 2 on good behavior) but still has an SHPO and on the register indefinitely. It was only after a year into the relationship after his sentencing I was made aware of his arrest and conviction.
I decided to stay in the relationship.
Last year I found out I was pregnant, we were not trying and it came as a total surprise. He informed his OM (offender manager) of the pregnancy early on who obviously had a duty of care to inform the LA.

After months of dealing with the LA (local authority children services) and countless issues:
- Blatant lies being told about things I had said which seemingly were only recorded on a notepad and pen. The shocking thing was to me was that although I heavily disputed what I "apparently" said...
"Apparently," I said I was happy for my partner to undertake intimate care tasks and I totally trusted him with a baby and that he was a changed man, therefore, am completely naive to the characteristics of sex offender and this makes me a risk to the unborn child. However, this is the exact opposite of what I said. When I raised this HUGE issue immediately after reading the Initial risk assessment, it was acknowledged by a manager who assured me and even told me to lodge a formal complaint, however, this was never amended although it was agreed it would be in writing and seemed to further their actions moving forward.

The list goes on as to the horrors of my case with the LA. The LA is very black and white and unless you are 100% disgusted, angry, and damming, want nothing to do with your partner you will more than likely be in for a world of stress and pain with them as any action that isn't, "I hate him he's a monster" is seen as unprotective from mothers. Which leans into your naivety as a parent, person, or otherwise.

My current position is that I have now left my partner and moved to a different county to find solace and comfort with my family. The new county LA is still of the same position and even goes as far as to state that although I am no longer with my unborns father nor do I live with him I will still have to have an LFF (lucy faithful foundation) assessment to assess my protective capabilities. When I moved, my unborn was under a CPP (Child protection plan) which has stipulated clear and manageable guidance. i.e. Father has no unsupervised contact, the mother (me) is not allowed to be a supervisor of the father until we both complete assessments, parents can not live together during the assessments, the father can be present at the birth but only with a third party there. This was totally reasonable and fair and throughout the process, I and the father have been totally compliant and agreed on all the measures that the LA have suggested.

Local authority sadly polices themselves, they will, and do lie about things to fit their own narrative. For example- Even so far as to say I had lied about my ethnicity even though it was their "clerical error", they even in email admitted this but then weaponized it to justify calling me a liar in the next report. Their insanity noes no bounds.

The LA know I have moved away from my partner to seek refuge with my family. However, at that point, I am still with my partner but slowly breaking things off to try and keep things amicable, yes he did a terrible and awful thing that has disgusted me and torn me apart but no one is all bad and although he made a terrible mistake he is a good, decent, caring person who has shown remorse for his action and is rated as low risk by police. My unborn child is still on CPP but everything is very positive. I am given a written agreement that specifies clearly the expectations of myself and my ex-partner. Also at the point, I still have not had an FGC (family group conference) due to the SW not referring the case...3 months it's taken and still no referral.

Recently: Nothing has changed apart from I have informed the social worker I am no longer in a romantic relationship with my now ex but I am still amicable and wanting to co-parent where appropriate.

I was then told that the LA has now escalated the situation to skip pre-proceedings entirely which they originally said they wanted to do but under the advisement of their legal panel where told to go straight to proceedings. The legal panel has decided to head straight into proceedings to the court to grant the LA an ICO (interim care order). I am being told this 4 days before my due date and that we will be going to court in a few weeks. Unsure of whether my baby will be taken away even before I leave the hospital the way they are going on.

If someone could explain to me how I got here?
How they can do this?
How in every action I have done I have shown protectiveness to my unborn child, yet the situation continues to escalate?
I have committed no crime, I have left the home and got independence, I have left my now ex-partner.
None of the circumstances have changed in regards to what they are asking/wanting I agree with them and am happy to abide by their conditions. There has been total compliance, honestly, openness, and communication, which is constantly noted, and I am praised for all the time by the social worker and other professionals. The other professionals even the Police are taken aback by the actions of the LA, they are constantly defending me in FGC and are quick to bring in facts when the LA begins to stretch the truth. My solicitors are also shocked and haven't a clue why this is snowballing, the only reasoning they could give is that they prefer to take this action with a newborn as they are easier to foster and adopt if needed and as a first-time mum they do not know what kind of parent I am. I haven't even given birth yet and they are going on like they are taking my baby away.

Even If they said no contact for baby with my ex-partner ever again I would do that. I would never speak to him again, I have made it abundantly clear that my child comes first always! I would let them monitor my phone if they didn't believe me I had cut him off. I'll do anything to keep my child with me, safe and risk-free from anyone or anything. It is so damaging and awful for any child especially a newborn to be taken away from their mum, the psychological trauma and attachment issues caused are unfathomable. My ex has also said he will give away any parental rights and walk away if I or the LA think it suitable, he does not want his child to enter the care system or be permanently scarred by his actions.

Has anyone been through something similar and had their parental rights taken away from them? everything I've read seems like they are using a sledgehammer for a wooden peg. Has anyone had an ICO granted by the courts under similar circumstances? Is there ANYTHING I can do to protect my baby and stop them from being taken into care? Any support or advice welcome. I'm desperate here and just need some hope to be able to get me through childbirth in the coming days and the coming weeks after birth.

Posted Sat August 22, 2020 9:41amReport post


Member since
March 2019

103 posts

Hi PinneappleUmbrella

I'm sorry I have no advice, your post made me cry and I'm so sorry you are going through this. Hopefully the judge will see sense and see you will doing everything to keep your baby Safe. I hope someone on here can give you more information and help.

Sending much love

Cher xx

Posted Tue August 25, 2020 9:31amReport post


Member since
July 2019

394 posts

I am desperately sorry you are going through this, have you contacted the family rights group they have a number you can call for advice. Just google them Sending huge hugs x

Posted Tue August 25, 2020 10:53amReport post


Member since
February 2020

69 posts


I am so sorry for your situation. I can imagine the anger and stress you must be feeling as i have been through this too. SS also turned my life upside down just before 10 days of my due date. I know it is hard but try not to overthink the situation.

I have posted my story on a different thread called "Finally a positive outcome". That might give you some hope.

Firstly don't think that going to court means that they will take baby away. Judges are really sensible and their main motive is to keep familes together where possible. We have been to court on Interim supervision order and it went really well. ICO means SS will get shared parental responsibilities for 28 weeks and can impose decisions on you.

After reading your story, I think SS want a LFF assessment for you because you want to co-parent so they need to analyse your protective capability. Have they done any assessment of your partner. They should be doing one on him too.

You mentioned various mistakes made by SS especially where they said you are ok with your partner to do personal tasks. Make sure they correct that before going to court or you should mention this to your lawyer and write down all these points in your statement. As all these documents will be going to court.

Posted Thu August 27, 2020 12:57am
Edited Thu August 27, 2020 1:05amReport post


Member since
February 2020

69 posts

Also have you done any safeguarding course? If not then ask court or SS to put you on one. In the meantime there are various things you can read on Lucy's parent protect website. Their is also a guideline there to create a family safety plan. You can create that and show that to judge as it will help you to be seen as a protective parent.

I am so sorry you have to go through this so close to your due date. I wish you a very good luck.

Posted Thu August 27, 2020 1:03amReport post

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