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BBC documentary, on bbc Iplayer, can sex offenders change?

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Lizzy 2.0

Member since
January 2020

40 posts

Posted Mon August 24, 2020 10:02pmReport post

Hi all, just checking in, i still read posts regularly, its well over 2 years since knock and later sentencing over a year ago, re my son, and I'm pleased to say life is plodding along, not normal, there will never be a old normal as far as I can see, but all safe, all coping, son still on antidepressants, me hanging by a thread (that's just me and always had been) but daily normal life has kind of found its place, no socialising for him, not much for us either, (me and hubby,) but we try where and when we can to go out as a family, albeit covid has affected us even more. Anyway......blaa blaa...

I saw this on bbc news link, then watched it, and I'm really not sure how I feel about it, anyone else seen it and do you have any comments, I'm not sure I'm comfortable sharing mine but I'll just say it seemed very one sided, and wasn't at all what I expected. Though in hindsight I dont know what I was expecting. But whatever it was it wasnt this. God I wish I was brave enough to get them to interview me... but I'm sorry I'm not..

My story is on here, from ages ago so it may take some finding, but for all that haven't read it, if ur curious, please feel free to scroll back and have a read...

Hugs to all xxxx

Mums and sons ( by me x )


Member since
July 2020

211 posts

Posted Mon August 24, 2020 10:47pmReport post


I watched this doc and I found it an uneasy watch. I feel the reporter was personally affected by her own story and I don't feel it was the right reporter for the job. (sorry of this offends anyone it's just my thoughts I think an outsider non affected by this kind of abuse would of been better).

Whilst watching I found the interviewed men not very remorseful but spoke in ways the councilling has been delivered to them. I would of like to have seen more of the partners like ourselves explain the devastation of this crime and the consequences that it creates. I would of also liked more discussion on the dangers of the Internet, the accessibility, how the brain reacts to porn and the addiction that comes with it. I don't feel enough was explained that porn addiction is an illness like any addiction.

I am not condoning this crime in anyway shape or form however its out there, I have learnt anyone can fall into this trap, more education is needed from a young age to highlight the dangers of this crime and the path it can lead to.

Whilst it's positive the BBC made this doc I think showing it from a point of view from an abused victim its not showing a balanced view point on this topic. The reporter had her own opinions on Andrew and it was evedent she didn't believe he could reform.

I hope in the future more will be done in the ways of policing the Internet and social media. If it wasn't there in the first place it wouldn't be found.

Lizzy 2.0

Member since
January 2020

40 posts

Posted Mon August 24, 2020 11:07pmReport post

Thank you lee 1969 and yazznan

I've read and replied on the why forum, I think tutley mutley said it all.

But thanks for letting me know it's not just me who although appreciates the media they could have maybe taken a more proactive side, and given out more info on where people could look for help before the knock etc and more support for offenders would be better x

Than her obviously and understandably blinkered conclusions.


Member since
December 2019

48 posts

Posted Tue August 25, 2020 7:05pmReport post

Just tried searching for the programme you suggested lee, but unless you have sky don't think you can watch it. There's no links on the internet, when I clicked on videos on google with the title you said it just brought up (surprise surprise) generic crude porn videos! Such a shame as it sounds very interesting.