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Boyfriends reaction

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Member since
August 2020

50 posts

Posted Wed August 26, 2020 10:49pmReport post


I'm new to this page and I'm devastated im here - my story is further down

I live with my boyfriend so I talked to him about it - he's really struggling with it and has decided that until he is charged or anything he will not speak to him (he's not actually been charged with anything)

I understand why but hes not even given him 5 minutes, we have been together a long time and it does hurt that he won't let him talk about what's happened and the circumstances

I know no circumstances are good in this line but turns out my dads had a porn addiction since a traumatic event and didn't let his emotions out - he was in a adult porn chat where people sent porn and some people were starting to send iioc with thumbnails that were older woman - which weren't until you clicked and my dad was disgusted and clicked away. He said 99% of the time it was legal stuff

I really hope the police see this ln his device

I dont know what to say to my boyfriend any advice please help :(


Member since
August 2020

50 posts

Posted Thu August 27, 2020 7:36amReport post

Hi Lee

Thankyou for taking your time to reply to me - I am in so much pain im really struggling with this i don't have anyone to speak to about it

Me and my boyfriend have been together for a number of years and have had a wonderful relationship weve purchased our own house we were planning on starting a family of our own this year

I keep trying to tell him about this stuff but because of his upbringing he is very ignorant to anything other than the 'black and white' and I know this is horrendous for anyone but reacting how he is is making me feel worse/more anxious - he works away so its very difficult to discuss whats going on

I'm praying that my dad doesn't end up being charged but I know its very possible

I honestly could just run away and never come back im still struggling to eat and sleep i can already feel myself loosing weight

Lots of hugs xxx


Member since
July 2020

211 posts

Posted Thu August 27, 2020 12:58pmReport post

Aw BS it's so heartbreaking reading your posts. I agree with Lee there is another side to this and your bf should for your sake try and put that aside and see that porn addiction is like any other addiction. It's such a huge spectrum being called a sex offender. It's not recognised as an addiction.

By seeing it from this perspective its really helped me to understand its not all these mens fault. I'm not in anyway condoning this behaviour because it's Wrong but it's out there to be found. I believe the knock sometimes is enough to give the person a shock and stop. Xxx


Member since
August 2020

50 posts

Posted Thu August 27, 2020 1:03pmReport post

Hi Yazznan

Yes absolutely ive managed to chat to him a little more today and I think he is starting to understand why my dads ended up down the porn addiction route.. starting from some traumatic things that happened last year

Definitely not condoning his behaviour and I'm so angry that he felt he couldn't talk to one of us because we probably wouldn't be sat here going through this if he had

I'm just praying that things don't go down the worst case scenario route

Hugs xx


Member since
August 2020

50 posts

Posted Thu August 27, 2020 9:49pmReport post

Hi Lee

Absolutely I so wish my dad could have spoken to someone about his issues rather than turning to his addiction to deal with it because we wouldn't be here right now

But its also like saying the same to an alcoholic or a drug user but unfortunately this addiction get labelled
