Family and Friends Forum


Member since
April 2020

190 posts

Posted Wed August 26, 2020 11:43pmReport post

Looking for advice, long story short I got into a dispute on Facebook with my neibours then they start saying things like oh make sure your doorstep is clean, people in glass houses etc, and just general crappy comments towards me regarding my ex and his crime as we're still friends and he visits me. How do you cope with this hate and people judging you on their crime when you're innocent, it feels like people throw it at my face any time they can


Member since
April 2020

190 posts

Posted Thu August 27, 2020 6:40amReport post

Is this something I should contact police about?


Member since
August 2020

50 posts

Posted Thu August 27, 2020 7:31amReport post


I honestly think its horrendous how awful people can be especially to people like us who haven't done anything

I'm not far in (my dad has been arrested) but this is one thing that is making my anxiety really bad :(

I think you should absolutely contact the police, your neighbours can't threaten you like that

Sending lots of love your way xxx


Member since
April 2020

190 posts

Posted Thu August 27, 2020 8:00amReport post

What would I say to them? I'll feel like I'm wasting their time xx


Member since
August 2020

50 posts

Posted Thu August 27, 2020 8:08amReport post

What about a call to 101? I think you should log something because its disgusting, no matter what anyone else has done you are still you xx


Member since
July 2020

211 posts

Posted Thu August 27, 2020 8:25amReport post

Hi Christine and BS

So sorry to hear your neighbours are doing this. Maybe come off social media for a while or change your name on it so they cannot find you? Not that you should have to but just to protect yourself from any more upset.

I would definately contact police and log this.its not on. Iv recently started reining in my social media just in case anything is publicised.

Big hugs to you both xxx


Member since
August 2020

50 posts

Posted Thu August 27, 2020 8:29amReport post

Yes I agree with you, coming off social media or changing your name slightly seems a good idea

It devastates me to think your going through this with social media etc - I'm really hoping my dads case doesn't go into the public eye but I know it happens :(

Lots of love xx


Member since
December 2019

371 posts

Posted Thu August 27, 2020 8:30amReport post

I agree with changing your name on Facebook and maybe block them. And call the 101 line for it to be logged. Were they sending clear threats? I think by responding to them fuels the fire for them, don't give them the ammo.

Hopefully they will get bored soon enough.

Sending hugs


Member since
April 2020

190 posts

Posted Thu August 27, 2020 9:00amReport post

Wasn't threats more insults so don't want to be wasting police time but I'm not having it


Member since
August 2020

50 posts

Posted Thu August 27, 2020 9:08amReport post

I would definitely think about calling 101 at least for some advice



Member since
April 2020

190 posts

Posted Thu August 27, 2020 9:27amReport post

The circumstance was it was children in the village throwing cats into the road should I report that

Lily Jane

Member since
June 2020

5 posts

Posted Tue September 15, 2020 11:50amReport post

Hi, Def phone 101, I have the same with a neighbour. 101 were sympathetic and logged everything. They put me in touch with victim support and also advised me to call and log every incident. If I feel in immediate danger to call 999. They also sent an officer to my neighbours home to give her a verbal warning. You dont have to put up with it, its harassment which is an offense. It's not up to your neighbours to punish ur partner that is for the courts. Big hugs to all


Member since
April 2020

97 posts

Posted Tue September 15, 2020 5:10pmReport post

Hi, don't think twice about phoning 101 and I would come off social media or change your setting. You have done nothing wrong. Hugs xxx


Member since
May 2020

204 posts

Posted Tue September 15, 2020 5:55pmReport post

Sorry to hear you're going through this. Horrible nasty people who have nothing better to do!

Yes I would screen shot everything and report to the police. I would also come off Facebook. I know you shouldn't have to but you're putting yourself at risk of judgement and harassment. If not then make your security settings very high and block a few people. Also report to Facebook.

Good luck xx