Family and Friends Forum

Reducing risk score on assessment

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Member since
December 2019

371 posts

Posted Wed September 2, 2020 6:40pmReport post

Hi all,

My partner has had his first meeting with his new probation officer today. He is looking to get his ARMS assessment updated since it has been a year since he was sentenced and the original completed. I didn't realize to reduce his scores (he has mostly medium risk and high risk for reoffending based on influences such as lifestyle etc) he needed to do counseling and some courses. But due to covid he wasn't offered these. (Tbh if I had known I would have pushed for him to get onto these courses much sooner)

I am worried that his scores will remain high when he goes to family court for visitation rights since the probation officer suggested the courses needed won't be available before the reassessment.

Has anyone got tips on how my partner could show his risk has reduced? Anyone else in the same boat? Did the courses help or are they just a means to an end. (It is a pain he needs to do more courses when he has done the inform course with LF)

Lucy from Stop it Now!

Member since
September 2018

443 posts

Posted Sat November 14, 2020 6:00pmReport post

Hello Majestictopaz15

I am sorry to hear that your partner was unable to access any counselling due to COVID and how this may have impacted his risk assessment. We have noticed that you have not yet received any replies from other members of the forum and hopefully you will receive some replies from others soon. In the meantime, I can offer you some more general advice.

It is difficult to offer information about factors that are important in risk assessments and actions you can do to reduce risk when there is a lot of information that we do not know about your partner or his situation. Therefore, I encourage you to contact our helpline 0808 1000 900 to discuss any concerns you have regarding this risk assessment.

A risk assessment aims to assess particular factors that are known to be associated with increased risk of re-offending, and factors that may reduce risk of re-offending. There are many factors that are considered when completing this risk assessment, and therefore him being unable to access courses is only one part of this, and other factors may influence the outcome more. If he believes that additional course may help reduce his risk level, then maybe he should discuss this further with his probation officer and see what courses are available. He may also wish to discuss the Inform Plus programme with his probation officer in relation to any useful things he has learnt during this course which he believes may help him manage risk.

I hope this information has been helpful and you feel able to contact the helpline for additional support. Your partner may also wish to phone us on the helpline if he has not done so already.

Best wishes
