Family and Friends Forum

Legalities and timeline

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Member since
June 2020

3 posts

Hi there, I'm just looking to find out if when someone is being investigated for downloading and possessing indecent images, if, as with Family proceedings, it's illegal to discuss the matter with anyone? Disclosure of Information? Or whatever it is? Or is it different as it's a criminal offence?

Also, the 'knock' came in May with him now RUI - how long does the whole process usually take? When will we likely find out if there will be further action taken?

Posted Wed September 2, 2020 8:24pmReport post


Member since
June 2020

3 posts

Thank you so much!

I meant me, in terms of being able to talk to people? Are other people allowed to know or is it like with Family Court and it's all locked down and classed as 'disclosure of information'?

It so sad it all takes so long. Which is the part that takes the time? Is it the high tech unit, the police categorisation, or the CPS once they have formally arrested someone?

I'm so confused by the process and next steps and what happens in the meantime!

Posted Thu September 3, 2020 10:33amReport post


Member since
December 2019

371 posts

As stated above I do not believe it is illegal to discuss but it isn't recommended really. You won't know how someone reacts and could tell others etc. If you need aomito talk to ring the Lucy faithful helpline who are trained and good listeners. You could also seek counselling as they have patient confidentiality.

With regardsto the process and timescales. The length of time differs greatly across the UK, main reasons could be the police workload and how much evidence to go through. My partner had two interviews, the second after about a year and half. Followed by the charges from CPS then plea hearing and then a month later the sentencing. From knock to sentence it was nearer two and half years. He pleaded guilty.

Posted Thu September 3, 2020 4:07pmReport post

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