Family and Friends Forum

Bail conditions and residence

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Member since
October 2019

12 posts

Hi all,

I'm looking for advice on how sc interpret bail. Partners pre-charge conditions for last 10 months have been not to reside or have unsupervised access to a minor unless deemed appropriate by social care.

They have conducted a ppr. It was due for completion in Feb, but they ended up not starting until April. They finished the interviews back in June, but haven't written it up yet, but when pushed for a view on risk level they said low-medium. Obviously I need to get the full report, but based on this, should they not be able to make a decision as to the appropriateness of residence?

My son has autism, is really struggling with social care involvement and lashes out violently when they come. He's so angry and just wants to be left alone. He begs me to kill him. It's heartbreaking and I feel so alone.

Posted Thu September 3, 2020 5:19pmReport post

Lucy from Stop it Now!

Member since
September 2018

532 posts

Hi Sisyphus,

We have noticed that you have not yet received a reply from another member on the forum. I am really sorry to hear about your situation and this sounds like a very distressing time for you and your son. Hopefully a member on the forum will respond to your post soon but in the meantime, I would encourage you to contact us on our Stop It Now! helpline on 0808 1000 900 for some support and to talk through your situation. One of our operators will be able to provide tailored guidance and advice when they know a little more about your situation. I would like to assure you that the helpline is anonymous, confidential and free to phone from a landline.

Dealing with social services can be confusing or distressing for some. I would encourage you to follow up any queries you have regarding your case with your social worker and it may be worth mentioning the severe distress this situation is causing for your son. I would also encourage you to continue complying with any conditions social services have imposed, in the meantime.

You might also find it helpful to have a look at our Parents Protect! Website which you can find here:, there is a section about building a Family Safety plan which you might find helpful to have a look at.

Take care,


Posted Sat November 14, 2020 6:01pmReport post


Member since
November 2020

224 posts

The ball will always be in social services court..They are the ones who have all the power and control.

I feel that they tell you one thing and then go away and do the exact opposite..things get twisted and things appear in your assessment that haven't actually been said or even happened in the way they've put down.

it's four weeks til Xmas and our sw still has outstanding work to complete with me before she decides whether my husband can spend Xmas with us or even come home.

but what do u know, she's on annual leave and I've not heard from her in almost 2 weeks..they say they have timescales to keep to but do they really ever follow through on that?
you might aswell bang your head against a brick wall while waiting to hear from SS.they get in touch when they want to.

I hope you get somewhere soon with everything


Posted Mon November 23, 2020 12:19pmReport post

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