Family and Friends Forum

Not the news I’d hoped for?

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Member since
July 2020

43 posts

Posted Fri September 4, 2020 6:59pmReport post

Hi everyone

I've posted here previously but that was just after the knock which was almost 2 months ago. The police searched mine and my partners home, took his iPad, iPhone (returned the following day) and his laptop (on which we've now received news on)

They called him last week and invited him into a voluntary interview (which was yesterday but only told me about the update today as didn't want to worry me!)

he was interviewed by the main police officer that was here for the house search. They found approx 150 cat C still images and 1 B images! I just wish the number of Cs was smaller as it seems an awful lot (a lot more than I'd hoped for), but I guess it spans the time he's owed the laptop (7/8years?)

his explanation to me at the start of this (and to the police yesterday) is that he's over the years downloaded lots of other (legal) porn from file sharing sites, a lot of the time he doesn't know what's in the files OR they are named something but you end up with something completely different. He says whenever something has downloaded that he realised we're iioc he deleted straight away and never saved any... he says he's not attracted to children and never searched for these images (which I do believe and it sounds as though the police did too), BUT what worries me is the number of Cs even though I'm glad there were no As and only one B (obviously I'm aware its still not a good situation) :(

he told the police the truth of everything yesterday (no solicitor) Unfortunately I think he's just been incredibly daft and stupid. When the police asked why he never reported the stuff he'd seen he said cos he thought they knew it went on (which is true - but with what seems to be so much of it about - more than I ever realised - what can they police even do about it?)

They've said they shouldn't need to invite him in again as long as nothing else is found (which confused me slightly - does that mean they're not done looking at it?) and that they'll do a report now to send to the cps to decide - but he won't be a priority so the process from now could take even years

I basically want to know if anyone's been in a similar situation to me and what the outcome could be? I feel like after a few bad days after 'the knock' we did pretty well in trying to keep things normal as possible and getting on with life.... now it's like starting the whole process again in a way .. I'm kind of glad I know what we are up against but I don't feel any better :(


Member since
September 2019

178 posts

Posted Fri September 4, 2020 7:21pmReport post

Hi Sashadill...

I only comment occasionally now on this site, however your post resonated with my partners Internet activities.

He too used a file sharing site to access amateur porn, he has told me that upon using key words hundreds of file titles are generated and u have to part download to see what they contain.

Anyway... he too deleted images which were iioc and had switched off the facility of others uploading any files from his computer. Police forensics recovered a total of five (5) partial movies. 2A, 2B and 1C equating to approx 45 seconds. At crown court he was severely critisized by the judge for trying to conceal evidence from the police by deleting them... So ur damned whatever...

He was sentenced to 12 months in prison suspended for 2 years, given 45 days of rehabilitation, 10 years on the SOR and 10 year SHPO. We are still together as he was fully open and honest with me. His family have all disowned him... in its own way that's been more painful to him than the conviction.

Best wishes...


Member since
July 2020

3 posts

Posted Fri September 4, 2020 7:41pmReport post

Hi sash

The knock on the door for me was at the end of June. My husband clicked on a link that downloaded pictures of children under 18. Even though he deleted them they still was in his junk box our Internet provider reported him. I have made the choice to stay with him, this has caused problems with family his sisters have nothing to do with and his mum bless her has left the world. This is my second marriage, be married for 20 years. However I have children from first marriage all grown up and living there own life's, but my daughter has 2 children 5 and 10 months. She can't except my desision to stay with him. So today she has cut all ties with me and so has my son. Iam broken. I have lost my job and we have sold the house. He goes to magastates in October. So I can't say it gets better I just take everyday as it comes. I know how you feel, it's like a fog that you are walking through every body judging, and telling you what to do. Stay strong x


Member since
July 2020

43 posts

Posted Fri September 4, 2020 8:40pmReport post

Hi snowdrop

Thanks so much for replying to me

Our situations do sound so similar. I honestly don’t believe my partners downloading of iioc was intentional but unfortunately that doesn’t change things

What worries me most is my partners big number of cat Cs... what I can’t work out is- would for example, 20 cat As be worse than 100 cat Cs, or would they be equivalent due to the more serious category of one but bigger number of the other? The policeman yesterday apparently also sounded positive in that they were images and not moving - I can’t really work out how that makes any difference

I’ve said I’ll stick by him whatever and I do intend to, but I’m so scared of it going to court - or worse a custodial sentence for him - I don’t think I’d cope with that. I’m pretty confident that if his 2 adult children ever have to find out they’d stick by him too but you can never be sure with something of this nature can you :( luckily we have no young children and no real involvement with any other children so that parts been straightforward - not that it makes things any better :(


Member since
April 2020

34 posts

Posted Sat September 5, 2020 12:27amReport post

Hi sashadil

Just to let you know the police stop counting the images when it hits the 1000.

Cat c is not bad so dont be worried about this, my son is in crown court this week, he has 110 images and the solicitor is going for suspended scentence and comunity service x