Family and Friends Forum

Not being charged

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Member since
February 2020

12 posts

Posted Sun September 6, 2020 11:08amReport post

So i posted my story a month or so back having had the knock in February. Found out earlier this week that hubby is not being charged due to lack of evidence. Obviously i'm ecstatic as was preparing myself for him to do a long stretch inside but at the same time i cant even begin to believe its true. When the knock came i kept wanting to wake up and find it was a bad dream, now i keep expecting to wake up find out that their decision was just a good dream, or a mistake with the paperwork or something.

Will obviously getting a lot more visits from the team who keep an eye on people on the SOR (already had a visit from them this morning) but to be honest that could end up being a blessing as it will be more encouragement for hubby to seek more intensive counselling, which he desperately needs.


Member since
May 2020

204 posts

Posted Sun September 6, 2020 11:56amReport post

Wow Holly this a dream come true love!! A strange kind of a dream but in this perspective it is..


Member since
May 2020

204 posts

Posted Sun September 6, 2020 11:56amReport post

Wow Holly this a dream come true love!! A strange kind of a dream but in this perspective it is..

Has your husband told you that there wasn't much for them to find?? If you don't mind me asking...what did they find?

Do you have children? What have social services said?

Please try to enjoy the good news. Your life like all of ours... Has been turned upside down by this offence and so you certainly deserve some happiness and good news xxxx

Edited Sun September 6, 2020 11:58am


Member since
February 2020

12 posts

Posted Sun September 6, 2020 4:02pmReport post

They didnt charge him due to lack of evidence, even though he confessed in his interview. He told me after his arrest that his offending was as bad as it was the first time although for nowhere near as long. So god knows why they had no evidence. Slightly worrying from societys point of view that it appears there are ways round getting caught.

We dont have kids so social service arent involved.

Unlikely that he'll be able to be removed from the SOR now. Sounds like hes been moved up to being classified as high risk again. I think he was almost at the point when he could have applied to be removed. He was deemed very low risk after we got married and prior to his recent arrest we hadnt seen sign of an officer for 3 years or so.

To be fair though having the jigsaw people nose into our private life is a low price to pay if he goes and gets proper help.