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Unsure what is happening

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Member since
September 2020

10 posts


Like you all this is all a difficult time and I'm sure really its a nightmare.. i might wake up tomorrow and my life 3 weeks ago will just pick back up again. We are under a 45 days investigation section 47.

My husband is not allowed contact with my daughter. There has been no harm to my daughter from him but he is being investigated. They keep asking me how am I keeping her safe. How will I keep her safe.

I dont know how to answer this question when I know he hasn't hurt her in the first place. How do you make SS believe what you are saying ?? We are guilty before they've even met us !! What measures am I putting in place? Hes not living with us at the moment..

Posted Wed September 9, 2020 12:15pmReport post


Member since
March 2019

243 posts

Hi Turtle

I am by no means an expert on social services as it was my son who offended. We had them out to my daughter asking how she would protect our grandson etc. Social services will be looking firs and foremost, for you to admit that your husband is a risk however low that might be. Alarm bells ring for them if they hear you saying you think there is no risk at all. They will also be looking for you not to minimise what your husband may have done. Social services work mostly on your guilty until proven innocent. Even being proven innocent does not automatically get rid of them because they judge by probability .

They will want to hear that you know he's a risk to your daughter. They will also want to know how you will keep your daughter safe. Example, you, your husband and daughter in the house, you need to go to the loo, how will you get around your daughter not being alone with your husband? There are numerous examples I could give but they all come back to the same thing. Think about what you will do to keep your daughter safe and have the answers ready for the.

please don't think I'm being negative or making things sound bad. I've read many posts here and spoke to many people about social services and they all say the same. Admit there is some sort of risk and have a safety plan ready so that they can see that you will keep your daughter safe at all times.

im hoping there will be other replies posted by ladies who have had more dealings with social services than me. In meantime, think about the answers your going to give when they next ask. More importantly, look after yourself x

Posted Wed September 9, 2020 6:07pmReport post


Member since
September 2020

10 posts

Hi Nicenana,

Thank you for replying to me. I appreciate your time.

Its a potential indecent image charge we are facing.

You have given me a few things to think over before they come back next week.

Its so hard. After reading some of these posts today I feel like I've been hit by a sledge hammer!

Posted Wed September 9, 2020 7:04pmReport post

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