Family and Friends Forum

Child Protection Conference Anxiety

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Member since
October 2019

12 posts

Posted Wed September 9, 2020 2:10pmReport post

Hi all,

My son has been on CP since November, just after his dad's arrest. In the original plan, sc were supposed to undertake a risk assessment within 3 months, but they hadn't even started it by the first review conference.

They did all of the interviews etc back at the start of summer, to be ready by the next review, scheduled in July, but hadn't written up their report, so the chair overruled the recommendation of professionals to reduce to Cin. She recommended reconvening in 6 weeks, to give sc time to write the report, so it should have been in mid-August, but 2 days before I was ws told the report had still not been finished. T he y reconvened the conference for next Wednesday. Suffice to say, I've still not had a copy of the report from the risk assessment.

I'm absolutely terrified that we will be in the same position as 2 months ago. I desperately want sc out of our lives. I understand that in a lot of cases they do important work, but my son has pathological demand avoidant autism, is terrified of them, hates the intrusion in our home and hurts himself or me when he experiences distress. I desperately want to be able to protect him from intrusion and theonger this goes on, the more emotionally damaging it is for him.

Can anyone please offer advice or support? I dont know how much longer I can keep going