Family and Friends Forum

How do you cope with being a mum with a sex offender

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Member since
September 2020

2 posts

Good morning,

Im new to talking on the forum i have only done one previous.

My head is all over the place i want to be a good mum but im finding it harder as time goes by i cant in all honesty carry on with my son living with me we have court next week and i promised myself i would support him till the end of the legal action.

Ive got grandchildren to think of and my family how do I tell my son i cant have him living with me anymore i look at him and see the child i brought up how will he cope what will he do the guilt i feel for feeling this is overwhelming but how do I go on.

Posted Fri September 11, 2020 9:33amReport post


Member since
March 2019

103 posts

Hi Tracy,

You really don't have to feel guilty, you have been there for him all this time and you can still be supported when he moves out, you're not disowning him, he's not a child so should understand your reason for asking him to move out.


Posted Fri September 11, 2020 2:19pmReport post


Member since
April 2021

6 posts

Hi I'm at the start with my son only 5 days since the knock. I'm interested to see hear what you did

Posted Tue April 6, 2021 12:34amReport post


Member since
March 2021

208 posts


I'm hoping you see my reply as this is an old post.

My 21 y/o son was arrested Dec 2019 he attends magistrates in July.

So 18 months in , I am still very confused , heartbroken .. but I have chosen to walk with him on this journey and support him as much as he let's me.

You have a very long road to travel as its only been 5 days.

My son lied in the beginning and then I told him I knew, as the police and ss had been in contact as I have a daughter who is 15.

He then told me what had happened. My son had a normal upbringing but always very quiet . Have you spoken to your son ?

I hope you are OK this is a very dark and lonely place. Some days I don't want to face the world I just want to runaway . I havnt told anyone apart from my best friend my family will disown him and maybe me for supporting him .


Posted Thu April 8, 2021 2:58pmReport post


Member since
December 2020

287 posts

Hi victoriacake

Its a bewildering and scary time and the road ahead is going to be a long one. My son self disclosed in early December, so we didn't have the knock. We haven't heard anything since. Seek help for you and your son from the Lucy Faithful Foundation , my son is having 1-2 weekly counselling sessions, which are very emotive but helping him to address his behaviour and feelings.

like Becky1234 We am supporting our son as much as We can. However, we don't talk about it a great deal, I am leaving that to the professionals. Too some extent we have to try and live some normality (difficult at times, I have some really dark days) but I push on , keeping myself busy which helps .

Take csre xx

Posted Sat April 10, 2021 7:46amReport post

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