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after sentencing

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Member since
April 2020

34 posts

Posted Mon September 14, 2020 12:46amReport post

Hi All

So court case was wednesday and nothing so far in the press, police came to the house on Friday and went through everything regarding devices, apparently they will be coming every 2 to 3 months to check these, i thought i could try and get over this now but they will be doing this for the next 5 years just turning up when they want to, i'm thankful thet my son has not gone to prison but i feel that my life is in torment has the police have the upper hand now over my life x


Member since
May 2020

204 posts

Posted Mon September 14, 2020 9:26amReport post

Wow it really is one step forward n two steps back isn't it?!

I was very hopeful after hearing your post about sentencing. Even shown my husband to give us both hope. I think when this happens we imagine every worst case scenario!

I totally get what you're saying about police having to visit to check devices.... Its very intrusive. However... On a positive note.. You will be able to rest knowing your son is being monitored n you don't have to watch him like a hawk!! I prey for the day my husband can live with us properly again n as much as I know how remorseful n adamant never to offend again he is.. I admit I feel anxious at the thought of him staying up late on his own like he was. I think I will seek comfort in knowing he is being monitored. I'm sure they will be plain clothed. Hopefully some of the others on here will have experience of this n be able to offer you advice.

Try n focus on the positives as much as you can. Xxxx


Member since
September 2019

178 posts

Posted Mon September 14, 2020 12:12pmReport post

Hi Jake & Rainow...

Just giving you the heads up re visits by PPU post sentenced.

My partner is now 3 years down the road since his conviction. Initially the unannounced visits by CID were every 3 months. They were always in plain clothes and very polite. On each occasion they would check his mobile phone to see if the history was intact and what sites he was browsing.

They would spend approximately 15/20 mins visiting. After 12 months these visits have reduced to once a year....

I fully agree that it's stressful however on the upside its a relief to see my partner is complying with his SHPO and also a great relief for me that he's progressing back to normality from the addiction of porn.

Best wishes..


Member since
July 2019

74 posts

Posted Mon September 14, 2020 1:34pmReport post

My partner got together a list of all his various devices, and the PPU came around at an arranged time. They decided not to install any monitoring software. They didn't look around the house at all. They just noted the serial numbers of the devices that he had. We chatted generally about how to interpret the SHPO, as there were aspects that were not clear. We lived in the UK for just over a year after his sentence and then moved overseas. In that year they didn't come around once, although it's possible we were simply not in. I imagine it comes down to risk and how much resource they have as to how often they visit. His PPU and probabtion officer were all very reasonable, sadly that wasn't case for the police we dealt with before conviction


Member since
May 2020

204 posts

Posted Mon September 14, 2020 4:12pmReport post

Hi snowdrop and Zack

What you say is reassuring I think. I want to be able to trust my partner 100% again and until I can.... I feel that this monitoring with be a blessing. Sadly I have heard from several partners since the offence that life will never quite be the same again.

For me.. My husband not being able to stay over night with us right now and having to leave us every night... I would welcome a visit from cid every few months to have him back home. It's amazing the blessings you count with this aye?! Xx