Family and Friends Forum

When can he come home?

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Member since
May 2020

204 posts

Posted Mon September 14, 2020 4:29pmReport post

Hi guys

I know each case in individual but I'm just wondering if you can give me some idea as to how your cases were handled if further down the line. My husband was arrested for images in May 2020. End of bail this November. No idea on court. No disclosure as yet. He is currently allowed supervised contact with the kids and to visit us but not stay overnight.

We have worked through so so much and become stronger and stronger over these past few months. I want him home with us properly as soon as we can. I know of just one woman who's partner was allowed to live with them again before court and sentencing.

Are there any more of you who have been able to make this happen? This has caused so much disruption to our family as you all well know. I just want some hope we can be a family again in the not too distant future. Actually hope is the main thing keeping me going right now!! Xx


Member since
April 2020

149 posts

Posted Thu September 17, 2020 7:31pmReport post

Hey Rainbow,

Just wanted to touch base as I'm a little further on than you....

My husbands sentencing was two weeks ago. We still have no idea if / when he can return home. In fact SS don't even know that he had been to court until I contacted the SW yesterday. Guess it's just a waiting game...

Hope you get some news soon,

take care xxx


Member since
May 2020

204 posts

Posted Thu September 17, 2020 8:13pmReport post

Hey belle I have been thinking about you. What was the outcome of the court case hunny??

Any fallout from the media? I hope not.

Hope the assessment goes well and he can come home.. If that's what you all want xxxx


Member since
April 2020

149 posts

Posted Sat September 19, 2020 2:11pmReport post

Hey rainbow...

He got a 2 yr suspended sentence and 10 years SHPO plus 40 hrs of rehab. It was all over and done with in about 40 mins! Thankfully there was no journalist there so we seem to have escaped any further reports in the media. His probation report said that he was less than 1% risk of reoffending / contact offence so hopefully that will help in making plans for him to return home at some point. It's all a waiting game. He's now job hunting and I'm still in a work hell limbo so we need to try and sort all of that out first before thinking about the future.

any news your end? Big hugs xxx


Member since
May 2020

204 posts

Posted Sun September 20, 2020 12:28amReport post

Hey belle

Awww lovely to hear from you again. I have been thinking of you.... Hoping the media backlash is minimal! I have a horrid fear of walking into that school playground and every parent looking at me in disguist!!

So glad he didn't get a custodial!! Wow 10 year SHPO is harsh though. Is SOR the same?

Any news on work? Hope you're looking after yourself whilst you're off.

No news our end I'm afraid. November is end of bail but we don't know if that will get extended or what. Still trying to cope with him having to leave every night. It's so hard isn't it? Xxxx


Member since
March 2019

268 posts

Posted Sat September 26, 2020 12:14pmReport post

Hey! Every case is different. It took us almost 5 years to live together again. We had to move not just home but region for it to happen.


Member since
May 2020

204 posts

Posted Sat September 26, 2020 2:04pmReport post

Hi Sally blue,

Wow 5 years is just unbelievable! How strong and resilient you must have been to get through that. The inconsistency is unreal. There are families put through that like yours and ones where he is allowed to stay at home with the kids. Ones with unsupervised. It's a minefield! One things for sure.... Us women are pretty bloody amazing for supporting them through this mess!!!!! Xxx