Family and Friends Forum


Member since
May 2020

21 posts

Posted Wed September 16, 2020 9:41pmReport post

So my dad has been to court and pleaded guilty to viewing iioc (1000s over 11 years) he is awaiting probation to asses him at the beginning of oct to compile a report for the judge prior to sentencing on the 14th oct.

Probation/police have visited him and gone through his shpo and what he can/cant do and said they 2I'll be turning up.asnand whe. They please. Dad informed me he had to give them my address and that I may get a visit but I'm confused as to why? Ss visited initially after his arrest and after the police had come to inform me. I disclosed to ss he would not be having any contact with my children and they were police interviewed as there was suspected abuse (nothing came to light) it's all been harrowing but as and the police and ss have had no further contact with me since, it was very upsetting for my eldest and now I'm freaking out they will turn up and bring it all back up for them.

Can anyone shed any light on the situation?



Member since
December 2019

371 posts

Posted Wed September 16, 2020 10:03pmReport post

Hello. My partner is post sentence (over a year ago) and so from our experience the police tend to give notice when they want to come over and view his devices. This is about every three months at the moment. I believe they could turn up when ever especially when they have suspicions of reoffending.

My partner has given the addresses of his most frequented houses (family and friends) so that if the police can't find him and not picking up the phone they can try to look for him elsewhere. If your dad isn't welcome at your address I dont understand why he would need to disclose the address...but as you are an innocent party perhaps you could reach out tonthe assigned police officer to request they call you first before turning up. But as I say this will be when they can't locate your dad (is my understanding).

ConfusedAdult Child

Member since
June 2020

22 posts

Posted Fri September 18, 2020 4:36pmReport post

Hi Vicky86

dont know if you remember but I spoke to you previously about my Dad. He was convicted mid July and got 1 yr suspended for 2. I was then contacted by his PO who referred it to MASH. A SW rang me then insisted on coming round and meeting my children beginning of August, she was nice, didn't tell them why she was here as we asked her not too. When she left said she would do her report and email us. Since then nothing (6 1/2 weeks), I know the case is still open and they have been in touch with school and doctors (as I saw it on computer when I went recently for an injection). I am slightly different as hoping my kids can see their grandad still in a supervised way (which is how it's always been anyway) and have told SS he will not be left alone with them or sleep here. I am in limbo now until they get in touch again and have no information as to how long this could take!

Edited Fri September 18, 2020 4:38pm