Family and Friends Forum


Member since
December 2018

6 posts

We told his parents.

He lied too many times and I slipped up, saying to his mum that he's done illegal things. There was only one way to go from there.

We all sat down together. His dad was asking questions. His mum seemed too upset to contribute. He was confessing what he'd done. I was making sure he didn't lie about it.

His parents took it surprisingly well. There was no shouting. I was shocked how decent the conversation was. In my house there would be shouting, punching doors, and potential for being kicked out.

They seemed supportive. He didn't tell them everything. I did. They seemed angry at me. If his parents didn't hate me before then they definitely do now.

Yes I hid everything from them for years. These things weren't my secrets to tell. I did my best to keep it together for years. I haven't even posted everything on here. It would take hours for me to type out the lies, the put downs, the crimes, the threats, the laughs, the good times. The times he's told me he loves me. When he's said there's no more lies.

I don't know where to go from here. I'm looking for a train to somewhere else right now. His parents have gone out to give us space to talk. He hasn't left his room. I'm sat downstairs waiting for him to show up. Leaving is my best option right now. His crimes have become my fault.

They wouldn't let me say who he really is.

They were talking about who he used to be and it's wrong. Back then he has said he created personalities to separate what he did from who he really was. It's all lies, he has a preference for being dramatic. But they wouldn't listen to me. He wasn't the kind boy they said he was. He was a predator. He watched child porn, pretended to be someone else online to get photos of young people. He videoed his friends and girlfriend in the shower. This is not who they were saying he was. They didn't know about anything he did. How can they be saying "I know my son" when they had no idea what he is capable of doing?

There is no real point to this post.

I just needed to write it all out. It wasn't making sense in my head.

Posted Wed January 2, 2019 10:34am
Edited by moderator Wed February 6, 2019 10:18amReport post


Member since
December 2018

383 posts

What a very well written post, I hope it was helpful writing it down. I suspect you know him better than him, but maybe he doesn’t even know the real him.

what a complicated mess, and you wrote it so well.

I guess by accepting his failures they would also have to recognise they let him down as a child. I don’t know why men do this I am less than two weeks in but their early experience must have been lacking.

Maybe you got the train, maybe he came down stairs.

you have always a friend on the forum.

I am finding my situation hard to work out my mixed feelings with hating what they did but still recognising their flaws and how lost they must be.

In on a way it’s good the truth is out.

you are not to blame. His parents may come to see that or they may not but it’s good you were honest and very strong.


Beth Lou

Posted Wed January 2, 2019 12:09pmReport post

Quick exit