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My story.. need to get it if my chest

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Member since
November 2018

8 posts

so it all started on Monday the 8th October at 10pm kids were in bed and there was a knock on the door.. thinking to my self who chaps the door at This time on a Monday night so I opens it and there were 5/6 police people came through my door my whole world flipped in that second! My then partner was arrested on the spot through everything I heard my 10 year old crying in bed I went in to make sure he was ok and reassure him that everything was ok with a police lady stood behind me I then had to leave him there upset. So then my ex was taken out of the house then it began the photos of the house taken as evidence my 4 year old daughter was woken up my a stranger so they could go through all our stuff! Heartbreaking really the police were nice and they were good with the kids but not what you want your children to witness. The next day my children has to go for an interview taken individually into a room while I met with the social worker dealing with me where I found out the details of what had gone on! Why was my kids interviewed because he had downloaded images and sent them to someone insinuating that my daughter was in these pictures! As you can imagine my head was a mess how can anyone see there own children in that way ? Professionals are not 100% sure that nothing happened with my daughter but because she hadn’t said anything they didn’t send her to have an examination. How do you deal with news like this ? I didn’t have a clue but I found this unknown strength inside me to pick my self up why because my children had been through enough I had to be strong for them I had to make sure they were happy and knew I was there for them no matter what else is happening round about them was it easy? Far from it ! My next big hurdle was child protection case conference.. this scared me these people have the authority to take my children away how can I go into a room full of professionals and fight my corner where everyone is against me ? It wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be once I realised that we are all there for the same thing to protect the children from this man. But I’m getting past each hurdle at a time and I’m doing better than ever we never had a great relationship I was only with him because I thought I was doing the best for my kids when clearly all I did was exspose them to a huge danger but you think after almost 9 years your whole adult life of being with someone you know them but you don’t!

sorry for rambling and half of the above probably makes no sense bu I had to get it if my chest. It has been the hardest thing I have ever had to go though my advice to anyone would be work with professionals they are there to help you they are there to do the same thing as you are to protect our beautiful children. I know I still have a long way to go but I know I can and will get through this! X

Posted Thu January 3, 2019 1:44pm
Edited by moderator Fri January 25, 2019 10:33pmReport post


Member since
December 2018

383 posts

Thanks so much for sharing, hope it helped. It’s so strange writing things down that we tell so few people ( well as of yet I have only shared with two)

you seem like a strong woman, I am worried about social services. But working with them so hope they can see that.

how stressful that they were asked questions by the police. My daughter was asked what she calls her bum. She just said the bit the wee and poo comes out of. Though she wasn’t officially taken to the station it was children services who asked the question.

have you stopped all contact with your ex. Mine is still seeing my daughter but it’s very hard as both me and my mum need to supervise. I just don’t really know what to say to her at this point.

anyway I don’t have lots to offer as not long into the strange stuff. I never imagined I would be a woman with a social worker it’s so crazy.

The knock must happen to so many women. I like you can’t make sense of the situation. I was with my partner 4 years but known him for 10. How can they lie so much.

you are an inspiration to me and must be a wonderful mother.

keep us updated. It’s nice ( in a horrible way )that I am not so alone

Posted Thu January 3, 2019 3:35pmReport post


Member since
December 2018

383 posts

Thanks so much for sharing, hope it helped. It’s so strange writing things down that we tell so few people ( well as of yet I have only shared with two)

you seem like a strong woman, I am worried about social services. But working with them so hope they can see that.

how stressful that they were asked questions by the police. My daughter was asked what she calls her bum. She just said the bit the wee and poo comes out of. Though she wasn’t officially taken to the station it was children services who asked the question.

have you stopped all contact with your ex. Mine is still seeing my daughter but it’s very hard as both me and my mum need to supervise. I just don’t really know what to say to her at this point.

anyway I don’t have lots to offer as not long into the strange stuff. I never imagined I would be a woman with a social worker it’s so crazy.

The knock must happen to so many women. I like you can’t make sense of the situation. I was with my partner 4 years but known him for 10. How can they lie so much.

you are an inspiration to me and must be a wonderful mother.

keep us updated. It’s nice ( in a horrible way )that I am not so alone

Posted Thu January 3, 2019 3:47pmReport post


Member since
December 2018

450 posts

Hi A

What an awful experience for you all to go through, that knock is life changing and only oro little gang realise how much.

I admire you ladies who have young children, mine are adults and not my husband thank God, I wouldn't want them related to him!!

It's the lying that I struggle with, this isn't someone I recognise and certainly isn't someone I would choose to know!

Please keep coming on here, reading and sharing. Personally I get so much strength and comfort from you all, there is no judgement.

Look after yourself

Much love xx

Posted Thu January 3, 2019 4:15pmReport post

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