Family and Friends Forum


Member since
November 2019

40 posts

Posted Wed October 7, 2020 9:50amReport post

For those who knows me, my husband attended the Magistrate Court yesterday. Case was not solved there, it has been sent to Crown Court. Timewice ?. Ita depends on COVID 19 they said.
His solicitor thinks it will be a suspended sentence and 10 years on SOR. + community service, rehab and closed monitoring of his laptop etc.
He is so regretfull. He only opened the files out of curiosity when he was on normal porn sites. Have done everything he can to get rid of his porn addiction. (Councelling, all models on Lucy Faithfully, read self help books etc) and his addicting is now gone. It has been 1 year and 7 months since the knock. Our grandchildren will be adults before he is able to see them again.


Member since
July 2019

91 posts

Posted Wed October 7, 2020 1:10pmReport post

Hi Lis

Sorry to read your story of your husband's court appearance. Your timeline is identical to ours. Hb 1st appearance in court soon. I think the outcome for him might be the same as your husband's. What categories of images are involved? Sad to hear about the situation with your grandchildren. Everyone is a loser when it comes to these cases. I also have the same concerns.

Why oh why is there not more publicity about the pitfalls and serious consequences about such online behaviour?

Thinking of you and hoping the sentencing outcome is better than you expect.



Member since
November 2019

40 posts

Posted Thu October 8, 2020 11:36amReport post

Thanks Izzy

Not that many images according to his solicitor . 280 I think. But all categories so it is a serious offence or what it is called. I am not that good in their terminology.
what about your HB. How many and what sort?


Member since
July 2019

91 posts

Posted Thu October 8, 2020 1:35pmReport post

Hi Lis

Thanks for your reply.

My hb has been charged with fewer than 50 images equally spread across the 3 categories. It is not the number which is a concern re sentencing but the fact that he had some of the worst category (A).

Keep strong and look after yourself.



Member since
October 2020

21 posts

Posted Thu October 8, 2020 4:18pmReport post

Hi, I have now joined this unwelcome club. We had the knock Tues morn, my partner 14 years immediately owned up, laptop, phone etc taken away. We arenow waiting for the results from the police. Myself and our respective families are going through the expected emotions, disappointment, anger, grief, dispair, anxiety about what the future holds. Previously my partner and I have had a very close relationship and he has provided great positive support during the past 14 years. I had cancer, my son lost his license through drink driving with the consequences plus other various family crisis's. He would normally put up a wall if he had been wrong footed but on this occasion he has been very open, honest with me about what has happened. He admitted that in a way he had been waiting for the knock on the door as he knew he was in a bad place but did not know how to and was ashamed/frightened to start the process. Because of his previous positive imput to us all, I know there is more to this man that this newly discovered dark side. Most of the family have come to the conclusion that they wish to support him and he as agreed to therapy, admitting that in a way he now feels relief that it is in the open. He also knows that there may well come a point where we withdraw. Are we in denial or is there hope?


Member since
April 2020

27 posts

Posted Sun October 18, 2020 11:58amReport post

My husband has magistrates court in early Jan, 20 images across all 3 categories and 20 moving images cat A.

What do you think the likely sentencing will be? Will he go to jail? He won't cope with that, and is already talking about taking his life, I can't bear the thought of him hurting himself, he is very remorseful and currently I am staying with him.

I am finding it hard thinking of what the future looks like


Member since
December 2019

371 posts

Posted Sun October 18, 2020 2:46pmReport post

The case is very likely to go from magistrates to crown court, so I advise not to expect a sentence in Jan. My partner had a wait of about a month between magistrates and crown, but covid might increase this delay.

I recommend your partner uses this time between now and the sentencing to get as much rehabilitation done, if not already achieved. E.g. proof of Lucy faithful involvement (my partner got phone records to show he rang them a few times and did the inform course). Also look into preparing character references letters addressed to the judge from friends and family.

My partner had hundreds of iioc. Including cat As and offended for ten years. We were prepared for the worst (prison) and hoped for the best. He did get a suspended sentence but it did seem a close call. Actions of remorse and rehabilitation speak louder than words I think. Hope that helps. I hated the not knowing, it also depends on the judge on the day.

Sending hugs


Member since
March 2019

8 posts

Posted Tue October 20, 2020 9:29amReport post

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Edited Tue October 20, 2020 12:02pm