Family and Friends Forum

Never ending

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Member since
December 2019

89 posts

Posted Wed October 7, 2020 1:52pmReport post

Does anyone feel this is never ending, that everytime there is an update from a solicitor it is never positive?

My husband is being investigated for one communication with a minor on KIK. They have all devices back and found nothing else and my husband is saying that is a slight vindication for him as it proves he was never into anything likes this and he told them that.

But now they are looking at another charge and have asked him to come in for second interview for a couple of questions on this. Don't worry I don't believe what my husband says I have heard this directly from the solicitor, it is literally nothing really to do with the original charge and it seems like clutching at straws.

It never seems to get any better its been nearly a year and I just need a positive outcome and positive step. The solicitor is really careful not to give us anything to get our hopes up and after nearly a year its really starting to get to me.

I love him but angry at him for everything he has done to us and we are lucky in the fact that he is at home with our child even on a safety plan. But I just feel so broken and hoping to god for just some positive news.

I don't know how I am going to cope if it goes to court and in the press. Solicitor has said even if it goes to court its unlikely to be in press due to COVID. But I cant trust anything...... has anyone recently been through a similar case to mine and actually had anything positive happen?


Lucy from Stop it Now!

Member since
September 2018

443 posts

Posted Sat November 14, 2020 6:02pmReport post

Hi Notsurewheretogo,

I am sorry to hear that you feel like a positive end is not in sight. I can appreciate how demoralising this might be for you. I wonder whether you might appreciate the chance to talk through this situation and the difficult emotions this has brought up for you, via our anonymous and confidential helpline (0808 1000 900)? Via the helpline our operators will be able to support you with your current situation, as well as provide you with advice to help you navigate through.

I hope you feel able to call the helpline.

Best wishes


that girl

Member since
November 2020

2 posts

Posted Sat November 14, 2020 11:08pmReport post

I'm only 2 months in to this and I am scared we will be in the same position. He had one communication with a police officer posing as underage, and though doesn't remember it, insists he would never had continued if he had known they were supposedly underage. Husband insists they won't find anything on devices and even the solicitor thinks they have no case and are stalling for time trying to find something on him. All the while our family is separated as he can't stay at the house. Bail was extended until January and the thought of Xmas apart is killing me. I couldn't bear to be in this position a year from now. It seems so cruel to affect so many lives and drag everything out without a thought for the family and children. Just wanted to express my sympathy and hope it all ends soon for you.