Family and Friends Forum

WARNING about giving out your info

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Member since
October 2018

99 posts

Posted Thu October 8, 2020 9:13amReport post

Good morning,

Just wanted to share a warning with you about giving out your personal info to people who you don't know on here or in my case on Mumsnet.

I had a message request this morning from someone called 'helpformywife' I replied asking them for their username on here. They said they didn't have one but could read posts as they don't have to register to use the forum and what was my story?! I obviously made them aware I had my suspicions they were a troll etc and low and behold, they have deleted the messages.

I have met a wonderful group of ladies off of here via mumsnet but this was only after speaking for a long while on here. They have been the most amazing support. PLEASE be very careful who you give info to, as you all know, the internet can be an awful place and people in our position do not need the extra upset of someone trolling or worse.

Stay safe x


Member since
December 2019

371 posts

Posted Thu October 8, 2020 9:29amReport post

When on Mumsnet or any other such forum best not to have the same username as on this forum. Once you have gained real trust you might want to disclose all the usernames but still need to be careful.

It is great that LF now screen first posts but it is a fair point that I don't think you need a log in to see the forum? I think those without a log in should get limited access and if they want more need to sign up.

Big hugs


Member since
August 2019

14 posts

Posted Thu October 8, 2020 9:35pmReport post


I haven't visited the forum in quite a while and it's even longer since I used mumsnet, which is something I only ever used when I initially made contact with a few of the amazing ladies to be found on here. I too was messaged by the person you mention and was immediately suspicious but by the time I saw the notification and logged in it had been deleted. I decided to log in here and see if anyone else had been targeted and here you are!

Stay vigilant ladies, and be cautious about any unsolicited contact or messages.

Stay safe xx


Member since
March 2019

243 posts

Posted Thu October 8, 2020 11:36pmReport post

Hi everyone

i also have not used mumsnet in a while but I read this and logged in. I've had a message from this person but it says it's been deleted. I was annoyed when stop it now banned us from posting our mumsnet user names but I can understand it as there will be nasty people out there who would target people for joy when they are at their lowest point. Scum I'd call them because what I've been through since my sons arrest I'd wish on no one. That said , this forum and mumsnet has been a complete godsend and lifeline to me. I've spoken to quite a few ladies on mumsnet for support and advice and even met up with one so it can work out. I must add that I spoke with the ladies for some time before I gave out any other details than mumsnet. There are some idiots out there who's only pleasure is to take joy from other people's misery. I wish people like that nothing but the worst! Harsh but true. Take care x