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Member since
October 2020

2 posts

Posted Thu October 8, 2020 6:18pmReport post

Hi all, What the hell,.. feel like I've been hit with a brick....Emotions are all over the place. My son 25 was arrested a few days ago , apparently he mithered an underage girl for photos ... Received them, found out she's under aged they stopped communicating. Her dad got hold of her phone and he obviously involved police. My son did not delete the images, he said he's not sure if they will find anymore as he said girls send him stuff all the time . He's on the autistic spectrum highly functioning (Asperger's) though this does not excuse anything he has done....I'm worried to death. ...Can't think about much else , keep thinking he's going to prison and he is not prison material, he's a big softy ....keep crying all the time. Just lost our 16yr old dog too which floored me , sorry guys I'm I mess just needed to come on here a talk really. Hope your all ok ????


Member since
March 2019

243 posts

Posted Fri October 9, 2020 10:04amReport post

Hi there

my story is very very similar to yours. My son communicated with a girl who was underage she happily sent pictures as did he. Her parents were very aware she was talking to my son. They had spoken to my son several times on the camera. The girl thought of my son as her boyfriend but they had never met up.

fast forward to the girl and my son falling out and the parents went to the police. The outcome was not good. My son got sent to prison and was told that it was all down to him be pcause the girl was under age.
I can tell you that I was completely destroyed by what happened and still am but not to the degree that I was. In regards to advice all I can tell you is that it honestly does get better in time. I would call the help line if I were you. I never did because I didn't know about it at the time. I know they can be hard to get through to because they are so busy but I'm told if you keep trying you will get through to them

I would strongly suggest your son call to and tries to address his behaviour before he attends court if he ends up getting charged because I'm told it helps and can mean the difference of prison or not should he go to court. My son got none of that before court simply because we did not know it existed.

take one day at a time. Try and remember your son is still the boy you love. He's a good lad who made one bad choice. Keep coming on here as it really does help even to have a rant. If your in England it could be a long wait for any decisions to be made on whether your son gets charged or not. I'm in Scotland and my sons case took seven months from arrest to conviction which is almost unheard of in England because it's the cps who say whether to charge a person or not and not the police. Here in Scotland the police have the authority to charge after arrest and interview which makes the whole process quicker. Sorry I can't be of more help. Take care x