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Contact with newborn

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Posted Sat October 10, 2020 10:32pm
Edited Thu October 29, 2020 2:38pmReport post


Member since
July 2020

211 posts


You have a right to request details through sarah's law. You need to apply for this information through your local police. I have young family members in my family and I am awaiting information as a way of safeguarding them from any risk. When my partner was awaiting charges I applied for a claires law to see if there was anything else he was hiding from me as this whole nightmare came right out the blue and the police woman explained to me he hadn't commited any other crimes or posed a violent risk to me. She asked if I had any children or youngsters in the family and I said yes, and she said once he is charged she can look into a Sarah's law for me to check what risk of any is there. Sorry your going through this horrible experience. I hope you try and enjoy what should be a special time big hugs x

Posted Tue October 13, 2020 10:59pmReport post


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February 2020

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Posted Wed October 14, 2020 5:43pm
Edited Wed October 14, 2020 5:43pmReport post


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December 2019

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My partner is going through court to get access to his kids. Requesting only visitation through a contact centre for now hoping it would make the process quicker and has the lowest risk. His ex wife is dead against him ever seeing his kids. Tho I can see why she would like to have him completely out of their lives he does have a right as a father and also the kids could have some benefit having him in their lives.

He submitted in march before covid and the case is still ongoing, and we have had issues where dates were postponed by a month due to availability issues. Social services are not heavily involved since they know the ex wife is against him having contact, but CAFCASS who help the judge in their decision have stated that some sort of contact would help the children in their development when managed appropriately (through supervision).

So if your ex does go through court it will likely be a long process and likely he would be granted some sort of contact if the risk isn't high. But through court it is legally binding. If you have your own agreement it could give you more freedom. But it is up to you which route to go by.

Posted Wed October 14, 2020 7:56pmReport post


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July 2020

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Thank you, that's really helpful. Everyone keeps saying if it goes to court the court would uphold the decision of childrens services of no contact but I personally very much doubt this. I think supervised contact would be granted so I would probably prefer to just organise that now (on my terms). But obviously I can't go against children's services.

Posted Wed October 14, 2020 10:43pmReport post


Member since
February 2020

109 posts

Hi Maximus.

I just wanted to share my situation.

I was 5 months pregnant when my ex was arrested. My daughter is now 4 months old and her dad has not had any contact.

I have decided no contact until my ex is charged and I know the details. I will then consider the risk against the benefits of my daughter knowing her father and take it from there.

My therapist from stop so told me that ( in his opinion) there was no way a court would order contact if I was against it ( he has 15 years experience working with offenders and their families and was a social worker prior to this) You do not have to do anything at this point. I have decided to make this decision for now and no one has challenged this.

I believe my daughter has a right to know her father, but whilst she is so young I do not think it in her or my other sons best interests.

It’s a horrible situation, but whatever you decide doesn’t have to be forever.

Hugs to you Xx

Posted Sat October 17, 2020 11:56amReport post


Member since
July 2020

3 posts

Hi Marie

Thank you for sharing your experience. It's just a nightmare situation to be in isn't it. I've always strongly believed that every child has a right to know both parents, but well, this situation puts a total new light on that and it's so difficult to know what to do. The police seem of the opinion that my ex is a possible danger to teenage girls (from the images he was viewing). But social services seem to have a much more black and white opinion of it. I'm expecting a little boy and I have a feeling that whatever my opinion on it he'll end up never seeing his father.

take care xx

Posted Sat October 17, 2020 7:07pm
Edited Sat October 17, 2020 7:11pmReport post

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