Family and Friends Forum

Not a great start with Social services

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Member since
October 2020

43 posts

Sorry girls here for a moan.

So 2 days post knock I had an unplanned SW visit. He was supposed to come back on the monday to see both kids, no show, no show all week in fact.

So I tracked down the MASH team and get informed he finished working for social the day after his visit.

So we have another social worker.

So far 3 in 2 weeks.

1 for initial strategy meeting, 1 for visit who wanted me to trust him etc etc and was looking forward to working with me, but left social services the following day and now the one I will meet today, we spoke on phone. He has really poor english and didnt understand me on the phone so I just know we will get off to a bad start.

Are we allowed to request a different social worker?

Posted Mon October 12, 2020 6:42amReport post


Member since
December 2019

371 posts

Slightly different but my partner has had three different probation officers in one year. They gave him little notice and the handover was him basically repeating himself alot since info didn't seem to travel well.

Same thing happens when dealing with the family courts. Can feel like going around in circles. I hope it settles for you since 'routine' and familiarity is key. We all put so much trust in the services and can take a lot to trust them, but can feel like no loyalty. I understand that people need to chnage jobs etc but better consideration would be nice

Posted Mon October 12, 2020 11:38amReport post


Member since
October 2020

43 posts

Its crazy isnt it. Strangers who havee ridiculous power over what happens in our lives. They dont know us or our children. We are just names on a piece of paper. They decide before they meet us what they think we are, what we will be doing?

I know they have already made mistakes. It scares me that i have to trust that they will do the right thing and actually support my family. Our family of 2 children and me.

Small steps, a day at a time.

Posted Wed November 4, 2020 9:04pmReport post

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