Family and Friends Forum

How did he get away with this?

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Member since
December 2018

2 posts

Posted Mon October 12, 2020 6:57pmReport post

Almost two years ago my world fell apart. I found links saved on my husband's phone and a search history full of websites and images of young girls aged between 5-9. At the time my daughter (his step daughter) was 8 years old. I confronted him and after he assaulted me and threatened my life he admitted what he was.
I fled and reported him to the police. He was arrested and under interview admitted he had been looking at the images/websites but could not see anything wrong with it. Fast forward two months and the police tell me they are not proceeding with any charges against him. He stated that I had 'planted' the images and websites on his phone. They did not question this further - if they had they could have proved without doubt that he was not in my company when these were downloaded and accessed. They said that him looking at these things were not actually illegal and they had never been informed that he ever admitted anything in the first interview with a different officer. Within 2 weeks of my leaving him he was looking online for a new partner and within 6 weeks was living with a new partner who had a 8 year old daughter. I reported this to social services who were not interested as he wasn't charged. Myself or my daughter were not able to receive any help and I am still waiting for councilling. He now has a daughter (felt so sick when I found out). How did he get away with this? How can I have undeniable proof of what he did and what he is but he has got away with everything! This is destroying and consuming me. Please help. I tried to take my life when this happened it absolutely broke me and no one understands how I feel.

Edited Mon October 12, 2020 6:57pm


Member since
March 2019

103 posts

Posted Wed October 14, 2020 2:07pmReport post

I'm so sorry you're going through this, it's disgusting that he's got away with this, I understand how this is making you feel, please give the helpline a call they might be able to help you. It must be awful wondering what he is doing to the little girl. I feel the same about my ex, worrying about who he's dating and if they have children.


Member since
October 2020

43 posts

Posted Sat October 17, 2020 8:48amReport post

My father in law assaulted my daughter just weeks shy on her 5 th birthday. He always denied it, police knew he had imaged and he admitted he had sent messages saying he wanted to do things to young girls.

They said 2 adults saying what they want to do to kids is not an offence.

He was never charged for what he did to my daughter.

The disturbing bit is his girlfriend at the time had a non verbal disabled child who was acting out things but social services didnt have an issue with that.

I find social services are failing so many kids because they refuse to listen.


Member since
October 2018

99 posts

Posted Mon October 19, 2020 2:11pmReport post

Trying to keep it normal - it absolutly is an offence. My Husband was charged with the obscene publication act. It's a rare charge apparently.


Member since
November 2020

39 posts

Posted Fri November 20, 2020 4:33pmReport post

Apologies for jumping on this post with a question for myself. KLK can you explain what that is please? I've trawled this forum trying to find similar stories. I did do a post a couple of days ago but hasn't been approved yet that I can see. My partner was arrested 23rd September. I was told he was offering images of children online. The met had been in contact somebody was arrested and convo taken off that persons phone led them to my house. He sent a 5 second video or my daughter asleep and the man returned a video of him masturbating over it yet the police say because the image wasn't indecent there's nothing to charge him with unless they find more on his phones. He asked for money to pull her covers down and talked about " playing" with his daughter. I'm so angry and confused and broken. I can't see how this isn't a crime. He's a total stranger. The manipulation is out of This world


Member since
October 2020

43 posts

Posted Wed December 9, 2020 7:34amReport post

Imploding.... I am sorry you are going through this. I often wonder what goes on in the heads of the police and the cps that they feel.that they arent offences. I am sure if it was their children they would move heaven and earth and maybe commit offences themselves to punish the perpetrators. It boggles the mind.

I assume that he is no longer in your home.

I hope you and your daughter are safe x