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Looking after our wellbeing

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Member since
May 2020

204 posts

Posted Tue October 20, 2020 12:25pmReport post

Hi girls,

5 months today since the knock for us. Cannot believe I am managing to laugh again and be happy some times. Whatever stage you're upto... I just want to share with you some things that have helped me so far...
Counselling - over the phone. At first most days (through work) Talking to my husband about everything. Asking questions and sometimes allowing myself to express the anger and hurt. Not bottling stuff up. Medication and support from the GP. Time off work and then changing my job to part time and less stress (help from universal credit to top up wage) Meditation onlineHypnotherapy online Relaxing music / sounds of water or rainJournal of my thoughts and feelings This forum and the Lucy faithful oneLucy faithful helpline and understanding the complexity of the offence. Making contact with other women in this situation via WhatsAppIncenseCandles Healing stonesBuddhas, etcSetting my bedroom up as an oasis of calm Massage and reikiColouring Watching comedy programmes Plenty of hot bubble baths KnittingRefraining from alcohol for those first few months now only on occasions. Tonight I am starting the inform course via zoom to help me to understand even more and plan our future.
Learning to live in the moment. Learning to enjoy each day and make the most of things. Pushing away negative thoughts. Allowing myself to be happy with my husband and kids again.
I hope this helps. Please feel free to share yours. Us women are absolute warriors!!! Xxxx


Member since
June 2019

208 posts

Posted Tue October 20, 2020 12:41pmReport post

Thank you so much for your post Rainbowgirl, it is really inspiring and helpful!

I would agree that time does bring a new perspective to these situations. I now too think just about today.. I don't think further ahead like I always used to do.

We are over 2 years Rui so we have to learn to live with our situation.

sending best wishes


Rebecca 1234

Member since
October 2020

67 posts

Posted Tue October 20, 2020 2:51pmReport post

Your post is really helpful. Thank you. I am 2 weeks in and feel like I have been hit by a truck. I'm drinking every night, over medicating, Shouting one min, crying the next. It's a year almost to the day since my son told me he had been raped for approx 3 years from the age of 7 and I've spent 12 months coming to terms with that and blaming/hating myself now everything has started all over again only now he has been viewing images. He is talking about taking his own life and I feel I can't leave the house so I am a prisoner in my own home and my own mind. So, having some actual things to do is really helpful. I know I need support, someone to talk to but I don't have anyone.


Member since
July 2020

211 posts

Posted Tue October 20, 2020 8:24pmReport post

Rainbow you are such an inspiration and have been so kind reading and replying to my story.

I'm so delighted to read how far you have come and it gives me hope I may be able to work through my relationship one day. I think you said to me a while back just take things day by day and I really took notice of this. Thinking too far ahead can be overwhelming.

I myself have took to mindfulness, meditation and yoga trying to be in the present moment and it is such a calming thing to do. I haven't drank since that day of the knock. I know it will only deplete what energy I have left.

I'm so glad you've found support through others too. This crime is becoming more and more common. There really needs to be more awareness of the impact on us as wives girlfriends mothers. I love that you call us warriors because that is what we really are! Sending you a virtual hug and thanks for always messaging me, you don't know what it means xxxxxx


Member since
May 2020

204 posts

Posted Wed October 21, 2020 8:25amReport post

Aww Yazz, thank you my love your words mean such a lot to me!

Things are still tough but I feel like I've come such a long way already. You have too!! You're trying to understand and you're looking after yourself first and foremost.

I started the inform course last night. It seems like it's really gonna help and I've met a lovely group of women all be it over zoom. Please consider yourself. Whether you choose to stay or not.

Lots of love xxxxx