Family and Friends Forum

Social services and ex (kids dad)

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Member since
April 2020

6 posts

I have had social services involved since I found out that the person I am seeing is on the sex offenders register. From day one I have been told that my children wouldn't be taken away from me unless I go against the plan that was put in place, restrictions being hes not allowed in my house or direct/indirect contact with my children. I was told at the beginning that the only way social services would lower his risk was by him completing courses. They then agreed to work with him, which later have decided they are not. They are now saying they will never reduce his risk, even if he does courses himself, it would be reassessed, but still will most likely not change anything. I also have added pressure from my children's dad saying that if I continue in the relationship, he will take me to court for custody of the kids. Social worker said that they would tell the court that my ex poses no risks but my relationship does. Just wondering, has anyone else been in similar situation and what did you do. I will do anything to make sure I dont loose my children but its killing me having to end a relationship I am happy in.

Posted Wed October 21, 2020 7:56pm
Edited Wed October 21, 2020 8:01pmReport post


Member since
March 2019

243 posts

Hi squib

i am the mother of an offender so cant really advise but idodnt want to read and run. It must be very stressful and worrying to be told they would work with your partner and then be told they won't. There is a site called family rights group or frg. Have a look on their forum. There are other ladies on that forum in the same position as you. Your able to read their posts and see the replies which can be very helpful. It's very similar to this site but is more geared towards people having issues with social services. Hope this helps x

Posted Wed October 21, 2020 8:28pmReport post


Member since
April 2020

6 posts

Thanks nicenana,

I have looked into this, and currently waiting for a solicitor to call me back. I just wanted to see if anyone has been able to be in a relationship with someone a registered sex offenders and not loose their kids because of it x

Posted Thu October 22, 2020 9:07am
Edited Thu October 22, 2020 9:08amReport post

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