Family and Friends Forum

Left in the dark

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Member since
October 2020

2 posts

Posted Mon October 26, 2020 12:53pmReport post

Hi there, it's been about a month since the police knocked early in the morning and arrested my partner. I've told no one except a few of his family and our children. The police wouldn't really tell me anything because he is over 18. They mentioned child exploitation and photos of children. He won't tell me anything because he said his solicitor advised him not to talk to anyone about the case. I managed to work out that some of it involves webcam. Is this normal for solicitors to tell clients not to even tell their partners. Is child exploitation a different term for child pornography, is it more serious? Thank you, I feel so alone.


Member since
December 2019

371 posts

Posted Tue October 27, 2020 11:44pmReport post

Hi Jane

I can only speak on my partner's experience. His solicitor advise caution when telling others. But having the right support from family and friends can help with rehabilitation and later down the line be used in defence as mitigating factors.

There are a number of ways offenders can be involved in child sex crimes. Ranges from viewing images only, downloading images and vids, sharing/distribution of images, producing original content and paying or grooming to arrange web calls to view child exploitation, and contact offences. There may be more. All are ofc very serious but have different penalties such as length on the sex offenders register and max prison sentence.

It is up to you how you approach this with your partner but the road ahead will not be easy. You are only a month in and it might take over a year or more start to finish (depends on the area and the type of offence etc). Honesty is the best policy. If he cannot be open wih you he needs to at least seek help from outside e.g. Lucy faithful helpline.

Sending hugs


Member since
October 2020

2 posts

Posted Sun November 1, 2020 11:52amReport post

Thanks, think he is. We've separated. I just worry for our kids having their dad in prison, I worry this will get in the news and everyone finding out. I'm so ashamed I've told no one.