Family and Friends Forum

Name change

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Rebecca 1234

Member since
October 2020

67 posts

Does anyone have experience of this? We live in a small town and our whole family depends upon our family business, which is our name. I also have other teens. So I'm worried when this goes to court if it gets reported it will decimate of business (prob bankrupt us) and the impact on my sons siblings as teens are all so interconnected with social media now aren't they.

Has anyone done it? Did you do deed poll and then passport?

Posted Tue October 27, 2020 12:15pmReport post


Member since
April 2020

149 posts

I think it's a relatively straight forward process but I've heard that old names can sometimes be read out in court too (which was why we didn't go down that route) If your sons case does go to court it's advisable to come off social media for a time so that family members can't be tagged into anything in the media - this is tricky though for teenagers...

Posted Tue October 27, 2020 11:33pmReport post

Rebecca 1234

Member since
October 2020

67 posts

I have no family so that's not an issue. But you are right about teens; social media is their life isn't it!

Posted Wed October 28, 2020 5:29pmReport post


Member since
July 2020

211 posts

Hi there

I made the choice to remove all social media's pre Court case to ensure no one can tag or comment. Court isn't until after Xmas however i made this stance now so it doesn't look obvious God forbid something is published. I feel like iv gained a little control over it to be honest. Plus I feel like my head is a little clearer for not being on it.

Sending love xxx

Posted Wed October 28, 2020 10:37pmReport post

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