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Waiting game

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Member since
October 2020

64 posts

So we got the knock at the door 17 weeks ago. Asking if my husband was home I gave police his number and they meet up with him at work for a "chat" they told him he was being investigated for sending message to an under age child. Nothing about images. They took his phone from him and told him it would be plug in to see if there was any think else on it. Then they left him. He wasn't arrested or charged. Told to carry on with life as normal. Due to living in an extended family we have foster children in are home so my husband said he would leave the family home to make everybody feel safe. He has said that he had cheated to people online but only for an hour at a time and never thought it would be a child. We were told by the police this would all be wrap up by Christmas. Has this happen to anyone else? If yes what happened sentencing/arrested it all seems a little weird as they just ask him for a chat?! He isn't on bail and can carry on as normal. I'm so confused and just wanted to no if anyone else had any think similar to this. Are the police trying to make out he is Grooming?! Any help please

Posted Tue October 27, 2020 8:32pm
Edited Tue October 27, 2020 8:33pmReport post


Member since
October 2020

64 posts

Just had email to say phone has been plug in can take 8-12 weeks to see what is on it then they will pass to cps for them to make a decision. Is that normal?!

Posted Mon November 16, 2020 12:20pmReport post


Member since
March 2019

243 posts


ypur husband is like

y to have been released under investigation which means they have as long as they need to investigate what is or is not on his phone. Once the phone is checked they will get back in touch if they find anything. At that point he will be asked to attend a second interview or a first interview if he hasn't already had one. After interview I'm told it goes to the cps as they are the ones that make the final decision on whether to charge someone or not. 17 weeks seems a very short time to wrap things up in England. Most cases are taking anywhere from 18 months to three years or more to get through the courts. I will say it sometimes varies by area so perhaps your in an area where they have no backlog. I hope so because none of us like the long wait to get to court. Hope this helps x

Posted Mon November 16, 2020 1:32pmReport post

Mum in distress

Member since
August 2020

20 posts

It's taken over 3 years for us to get to court and we've just been given a trial date for another 6 months time.....the courts are heavily backed up thanks to covid....

Posted Thu November 19, 2020 3:30amReport post


Member since
July 2020

15 posts

Hi Colaroo,

I'm in a similar situation to you. 18 weeks or so since we got the knock. My partner was in so the police chatted to him in our living room and did a quick search of the property. No arrest, no charges, they took his phone and computer and a couple of memory cards they found in a drawer.

He got the computer and memory cards back around 6 weeks in, but was told the phone was still sealed in evidence at that time. Hoping this will be looked at soon as we still haven't heard from them, may chase them up to see if they have any update.

Posted Tue November 24, 2020 8:35pmReport post


Member since
October 2020

64 posts


we had a email later week Monday 9nov to say phone has just been plug in but can take 8-12 weeks so still waiting I have been told not to tell my children yet tho till all the evidence has been look at as at the moment it is just 1 chat with a under age child on an adult app and as far as my husband said it wasn't a dirty chat. So thinking they r seeing if he is a grommer?! Pos not sure. So more waiting I guess

Posted Wed November 25, 2020 4:54pmReport post

Quick exit