Family and Friends Forum


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October 2020

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Just over 1 week.

Having a bad day today..

We've no children but if my husband gets put onto the register and serves his time, would ss be likely to get involved after? If we then decided to have a child...


Posted Mon November 2, 2020 12:33pmReport post


Member since
December 2019

371 posts

In theory he should not be monitored or checked on once off the register. What is he being charged with if you don't mind me asking? Coz that can indicate how long they may be placed on the register.

But I would consider the what if they do get involved. There doesn't seem to be concrete certainy on how ss get involved.

My partner was sentenced a year ago and his PO made a comment to him that there are options for us to have kids.... I thought it was a weird and maybe inappropriate suggestion since he is within his first year of a ten year being registered. I don't want kids anyway but if I change my mind I too would be worried about the SS involvement.

The PO did say that if we did have a child my partner couldnt live with me or see the child unsupervised for the first year....

Posted Mon November 2, 2020 1:33pmReport post


Member since
October 2020

479 posts

Hey Majestic,

Thanks for responding..

Two offences for Cat B C images... Downloading I believe and sharing? We've been told he'll get off with a caution from the police officers team and the mental health team... But I know its down to the CPS and the judge....

I am hoping for a two year period on the SOR as I know that's usually the minimum isn't it...

Sorry to hear about your partners 10 year stint on there... Did you ask the PO about kids?


Posted Mon November 2, 2020 5:52pm
Edited Mon November 2, 2020 5:52pmReport post


Member since
December 2019

371 posts

It is two years if it is left with a caution. The SOR is manageable because all it really is is the need to notify the police of whereabouts and devices held. If your partner gets sentenced they are likely to get a sexual harm prevention order which is where there are more rules on contact with children e.g. cannot stay over night if kids are present and need to be supervised.

I have not discussed kids with the PO or ss because I don't want kids. But because I am not 30 yet the PO had to ask my partners plans for the future and whether that involved having more kids. He has two from a previous relationship. My partner has had the snip but the PO even said that it could be reversed.... thought it was strange to mention it.

Posted Tue November 3, 2020 8:22amReport post


Member since
October 2020

479 posts

I guess it's maybe part of their job description if the PO just mentioned it out of the blue?

I am hoping for a caution but we're only a week and a bit in so...

It's very frustrating that it takes so long to do...

Posted Tue November 3, 2020 11:51amReport post

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