Family and Friends Forum

Has your child been abused?

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Rebecca 1234

Member since
October 2020

67 posts

Posted Mon November 2, 2020 7:54pmReport post

I've posted this on another topic but I'm new and not sure what I should post where really.

is there anyone on here who's son was sexually abused and has gone on to view images? I'd be so grateful if you could reach out if you could? Thanks

Rebecca 1234

Member since
October 2020

67 posts

Posted Wed November 4, 2020 11:14amReport post


thanks so much for taking the time to comment. I actually feel like the only person on here in this situation but I know I am not. I completely agree about the complexity. I wonder how many partners of people who post where abused as children, maybe they have disclosed and maybe not. If anyone is in my situation I would really appreciate them reaching out. I know it may be hard but it would mean a lot. Again Lost thank you so much for your kindness and I am sorry we have met through these horrible circumstances.

Rebecca 1234

Member since
October 2020

67 posts

Posted Wed November 4, 2020 3:15pmReport post

Thanks for your reply. Yes I'm on that forum and get the same response. There is a lot around child protection plans etc on there and that isn't where I am. I am not for one moment suggest anything happened to your partner only that trauma erases traumatic memories and often victims have no memory of events. The body keeps score book is really interesting. I found it a very harrowing book to read though but there is so much useful and for me relevant information in there. I don't know maybe you, oh I don't know my head is just full of cotton wool these days. Living with my sons disclosure for a year, losing my brother, Dad then Mum has really affected my cognitive functioning. What do I know about anything.

sometimes I feel like I am losing my mind.

I had a counsellor who said after my sons disclosure remember the worst thing has already happened. It stuck with me when I realised that is never really true, more horror can be just a day away.


Member since
February 2020

109 posts

Posted Wed November 4, 2020 3:58pmReport post


I’m not in the same situation as yourself (my ex partner is the offender) but I just wanted to say that men who have been abused themselves do sometimes go on to view this sort of material. My ex told me early on in our relationship that he was abused as a child and as a young teenager. I do think the unresolved trauma led him down this path. Its so desperately sad. I hope you and your son can receive the help you both need to deal with what has happened. Xx

Rebecca 1234

Member since
October 2020

67 posts

Posted Wed November 4, 2020 6:59pmReport post


i think that book is really hard to read if you have lived experiences in there. I can see why he couldn't face it. The traumas that people live with are truly horrendous. I've found I have lost a lot of patience with people who complain about how hard life is when it's just the everyday trivia everyone faces, unlike the horrors we have seen.

im struggling to get through the days tbh. I'm getting more flashbacks and when I don't hear my son in his room in the morning I'm scared to open the door. I found my brother after he took his own life and mostly I can't knock and open my sons bedroom door. It's everyday. Like I've said before I'm drinking more. Not loads but I know people say I shouldn't but it helps and I take no medication. Hopefully as I get further from the police visit I will be able to stop but the pain I feel at not protecting my son is like nothing I have ever felt. Guilt is a heavy burden and I hate myself. I am literally just getting through a day. Every morning sad that I didn't die in the night but I know that would do to my children but I just want some kind of peace. Do you know what I mean?