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Do you ever wish u hadn’t answered the phone?

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Member since
October 2020

172 posts

Posted Wed November 4, 2020 12:02pmReport post

Today I get a call from social services it’s been a week since I’ve heard from them. They ask for my ex’s phone number (daughter from a previous relationship) I don’t have it I’m not allowed to contact him (his wish, well his girlfriend doesn’t like it) they say he needs to know the situation that we are in. Now my ex suffers with mental health and has violent thoughts SS know this as I’ve had dealings with them because of him in the past. My daughter was placed on at risk back then. No one knows apart from immediate family what we are going through right now. I’m scared of my ex and told my SW this which she says phone the police if he turns up on the doorstep. I feel my life is turned upside down I can’t control it or fix it.

They are putting my children on the protection register/plan (sorry not 100% sure what it’s called) they think he’s a risk to them. I know it’s killing him not seeing his 3year old son and my son constantly asks where daddy is? His dads says he will do what is needed by the SS.

What gets me is SS are in no rush and then make me feel bad for the situation I’m in then come in heavy handed all of a sudden.

I want it to end now or be able to see a end in sight. It’s only been a week and a half since the knock so I know we have got possibly years of this ahead of us.

Thanks Rusty x

Edited Wed November 4, 2020 12:05pm


Member since
October 2020

43 posts

Posted Wed November 4, 2020 9:26pmReport post

Rusty123, totally get where you are coming from regarding social services taking their time. It feels like forever for them to make first contact.

I hope you have support around you, it can get very lonely trying to cope with it all by yourself.

I found just reading everyones comments and experiences has helped me feel less isolated.

I know that some people probably see my approach differently, i didnt stay with my husband. I am doing everything i can to keep my kids with me.

I hope you get the very best outcome for you and your family. X


Member since
October 2020

172 posts

Posted Wed November 4, 2020 10:53pmReport post

Thank you.

I waited in all day for my SW to visit like she said she was going to she never showed up. I get from my answers to her questions she’s not happy with me. It’s another day tomorrow so will see what that brings.

Thank you again. I hope ur ok and stay safe x


Member since
October 2020

43 posts

Posted Fri November 6, 2020 7:24amReport post

I made a complaint to social services a fortnight ago, they say they took my complaint seriously but i doubt it. I have a date for conference finally but it means a day off work because they cant be flexible. They dont care about the fact i need to keep my job. Even suggested i dont need to attend if i dont want to, like that would happen. My social worker doesnt speak very good english and i dont feel i can say anything without coming across as discriminatory. I am not. There is a serious commumication issue.

I hope you are having a better week xx