Family and Friends Forum

Is there any way to know if someone has been charged awaiting trial?

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Member since
October 2020

6 posts

Posted Thu November 5, 2020 10:45amReport post

Hi all,

So I posted a while back telling my story. I'm slowly trying to get back to normality (or as close to it as possible), in terms of my daily life and family. Which has been slightly easier due to being out of the country. It is, however, with it's downfalls. I'm making a point of trying to call my dad as often as I can. He is still keeping quiet about the whole situation and refuses to discuss it. I don't know if this is through shame, embarrassment, guilt? Genuinely, I do not know. I have notcied though, that he is drinking a lot more and I've started wondering if this is because he has been charged and is awaiting trial or whether it's because I'm phoning more on a sporadic basis and noticing his drinking more? He has always been quite a heavy drinker, more so after his wife died, but I have a niggling feeling that it is occuring more and more now. As a result, I'm wondering if it is possible to find out if a person has been charged awaiting trial from other services (i.e. police, etc?), as it's like to trying to get blood out of a stone when talking about this issue with my dad.

Any help or advice would be appreciated, thanks x


Member since
December 2019

371 posts

Posted Fri November 6, 2020 8:12pmReport post

If you Google the local magistrates and crown court law pages there should be details there. Not sure if you can request being notified when it goes to court. The record should include the charge.


Member since
July 2020

211 posts

Posted Fri November 6, 2020 11:10pmReport post


I know how you feel when they don't want to talk about it. I don't even know where he's up to with his case either. In my case it's my partner. He point blank refuses to answer any more of my questions. This has only added to the problem and caused me to go down the route of Claires law to find out if he's convicted of anything else. Iv lost all trust in anything he does say. When I found out the outcome of that the police officer said when charges are made you can apply for a Sarah's law and that will outline the risk towards children. I have just applied for that and awaiting the answers. I'm hoping the charges will be explained to me and I can make my definate mind up what I am going to do. You could maybe ring the none emergency police and just raise the question and see if they are able to divulge a little. I hope little of that helps x


Member since
March 2019

103 posts

Posted Sat November 7, 2020 8:47amReport post

You can email the courts with his name and address and they will tell you the date and time of the case.


Member since
October 2020

6 posts

Posted Sat November 7, 2020 10:02amReport post

Hi all,

Thank you so much for you help and advice. It's driving me crazy this not knowing so I will definitely have a look at what you have all suggested. I had read recently that there was quite a huge backlog of cases in the area where dad is living, so have a feeling that it won't be for a while yet, if there is a court case.

Yazznan, I can completely understand how your feeling with this and often think how can they be so selfish with behaving like this, but then also think "what lust be going on inside their heads" too. I keep wanting to wake up one day and hope this has all been a big mistake but know that's not going to happen. What's getting to me the most now is the not knowing. Like, am I going to pop on social media one day just to find he's been to court and charged. I wold hope he would hae the decency to tell me but I'm not holding my breath at this point. Hopefully you get a little further with Claire's law and Sarah's law and make sure you're taking care of yourself too.

Thanks again everyone.