Family and Friends Forum

Telling work

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Member since
May 2019

61 posts

Posted Fri November 6, 2020 8:37pmReport post

So hb had meeting with his probation officer today who has told him he needs to inform his employer.... Great..... Why is it when you feel like you're taking 2 steps forward you instantly get knocked back again.

And why oh why do probation have meetings on a Friday???? Happy weekend to me.....

Mata x


Member since
December 2019

371 posts

Posted Sat November 7, 2020 12:38amReport post

What does your partner do for a living? I ask because my partner doesn't have to tell his employer but if he is ever asked he needs to disclose. He doesn't work around children as an engineer so PO are not fussed.

Or your partner can check their contract, may state they need to disclose charges.

Hopefully a request for a chnage in appointment? My partner's PO is quite flexible, especially since he works full time.


Member since
October 2020

172 posts

Posted Sat November 7, 2020 2:32amReport post


My partner was told to inform work it was one of the requirements of his bail conditions. My partner works in a supermarket and they at first suspended him with full pay and then suspended without pay. We both work together so he’s put holidays in so he al least get some pay whereas I’ve gone off sick for 2 weeks.

Work have been very understanding and discreet but I think he will get fired as his bail runs out in a week and work have said it depends on what the police say then which decide if he keeps his job or not.

SS have said My children will most likely go on a child protection plan and at the minute he’s allowed no contact at all. It’s not looking good on his job front but I’ve applied for universal credit as we are not living together anymore and I don’t think we will ever live together again and I highly think our relationship will survive this but I’ll remain friends for the kids sake.

What job does ur partner do if u don’t mind me asking?

Stay safe

Rusty x


Member since
May 2019

61 posts

Posted Sat November 7, 2020 8:03amReport post

My hb is currently still working full time, he works in a factory. Due to the work they do which is for the MOD, this is the reason why the PO has told him he needs to tell his boss.

We are going to go through his contract and see what that says, when we looked at the beginning it only mentioned about bringing the company's name into disrepute??

Thank you for your replies, stay safe and well

Mata x


Member since
December 2019

371 posts

Posted Sat November 7, 2020 11:32amReport post

For my partner at the time of he arrest he worked in the public sector. Because his work laptop was taken the police informed his boss. They suspended him but in the end he was fired

My understanding (well was for my partner's case) that he didn't need to disclose he was under investigation when looking for a new job and the job he got a few months after the arrest was flexible so if court hearings happened they gave him the time off no questions asked really. It was a big pay cut tbh but he needed to earn and he couldn't work in public sector again.

One thing to be aware of, especially as your partner is in the MOD is any background checks done. My partner would be asked for background checks for some projects, he would refuse when he got his charges. His work then had suspicions but never asked thankfully....tbh they hired anyone and many had records. But we were worried his work would get annoyed with the background checks being turned away, he was a hard worker and they wanted him for more work.

So after the sentencing he looked to getting a job back in design engineering (his previous career). He had a few interviews but all but one asked for charge disclosure. He did get a job at a small company that didn't ask and he is doing well. It isn't exactly what he hoped for and is back on graduate pay (he is mid 30s....did his degree 10 years ago).

But has advise on how to find work and the legal side of disclosure. It isnt always easy but it isn't impossible to find a job while under investigation or after sentencing.

Hope it goes ok for you both

Edited Sat November 7, 2020 11:33am