Family and Friends Forum

Goodbye and Good Luck

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Member since
July 2020

211 posts

Posted Sat November 7, 2020 5:15pmReport post

Hi all

This is goodbye. I ended my relationship for good and its the start of the rest of my life.

I have spent endless hours on this group learning and understanding the crime asking questions and sharing my experiences and for that I am forever grateful it helped a lot in my darkest hours. But I'm moving forward and coming away from the situation I find impossible. My mental health has deteriorated and I'm struggling. I made the difficult choice to leave and I feel a sense of relief. I can now look to the future.

Thank you rainbow for always replying and hearing me. I wish you the best of luck with everything. You've been a huge support.

My relationship ended the day the knock happened. I held on trying to make sense and come to terms and i just cannot. For those who are sticking by your partners I wish you the very best. I hope you find the strength to.

I won't be returning to the forum any more as this situation is now over for me. And boy does it feel good to say that. I hope life can return to how it was and hopefully for you people who sadly find yourselves here.

Best of luck all

Yazznan X


Member since
May 2020

204 posts

Posted Sat November 7, 2020 5:25pmReport post

Hello hunny

I'm not sure if you're still reading replies but... What a heartfelt post. You certainly haven't made this decision lightly. I'm so glad you've taken the time to explore all avenues of this and to try to understand for your own peace of mind.

It sounds like you're at peace with your decision now.

I wish you lots and lots of luck and happiness. Go and live your life Xxxxx


Member since
October 2020

29 posts

Posted Sat November 7, 2020 8:12pmReport post

I wish you peace and happiness in your next chapter.

You've always been open and honest which is so admirable.

Best of luck with everything
