Family and Friends Forum

Child protective meeting do 16 year olds attend?

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Member since
October 2020

172 posts

Posted Mon November 9, 2020 7:48pmReport post


I’ve received a phone call from social services about the child protective meeting that’s going ahead this week. They have informed me my 16 year old daughter can attend and if she doesn’t a representative can go in her place. I’m confused and worried about it all I just want to wrap her in cotton wool shield her from it all and hide away.

i Thought that with her being classed as a child then she wouldn’t be attending. Has anyone else’s 16 year old attended? How was it? Do they go into great details and what effect did it have on them?

Thanks for reading


Lucy from Stop it Now!

Member since
September 2018

443 posts

Posted Wed November 11, 2020 6:17pmReport post

Hello Rusty123,

Thank you for posting on the Family and Friends Forum.

I understand that you are concerned about how this meeting could affect your daughter and want to shield her from any harm. It sounds like you have some questions that need answering as soon as possible as the child protection meeting is this week. It sounds like a complex situation so please do call our Stop It Now! helpline so that we can better understand yours and your daughter's circumstances and offer you more specific support and advice.

The number to call for our helpline is 0808 1000 900. I would also advise that if you don’t get through to an operator immediately to keep trying because you should get through eventually. Sometimes it can be quieter in the evenings.

Take care,