Family and Friends Forum

Inform course

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Member since
May 2020

204 posts

Posted Tue November 10, 2020 9:12pmReport post

Hi all

I just want to say that if any of you are thinking of doing the inform course... Stop thinking and out your name down...

We are 5 months from the knock and I have been doing this course for 4 weeks, 1 week left. It's all via zoom at the moment a couple of hours a week. The course is ran by 2 amazing practitioners who are extremely knowledgeable and empathic. The course covers all aspects of the reasons why men offend, the legal process, managing risk etc etc. It is an ideal opportunity to discuss and learn about the offence and behaviour and seek emotional support.

The biggest bonus of all.. Is that I have met a group of amazing and strong women. We were encouraged straight away to exchange numbers which we all agreed. We have now set up a WhatsApp group and speak regularly. Just having people there going through similar roller-coaster of emotions is amazing. It takes away the loneliness and isolation aspect of it all. We are stronger together and we will get each other through to the other side of this xxxx


Member since
October 2020

479 posts

Posted Tue November 10, 2020 9:23pmReport post

Thank you RainbowGirl.

Im so glad you've found it useful and are speaking with women whore in a similar situation.

This was the encouragement I need to do it.... I'm going to mister up the courage soon and join the course.

I've gone to a place of 'What's the point in anything anymore' as this isn't the only thing I've been dealing with this year...

I'm on medication and going to wait until I feel a little less depressed.


Member since
July 2019

394 posts

Posted Tue November 10, 2020 9:26pmReport post

Hi is the inform course just for those about having images rather than the communication offences?


Member since
October 2020

29 posts

Posted Tue November 10, 2020 9:50pmReport post

Hi Rainbowgirl80

Glad to hear the course has been really helpful. Just wondering if you think it's suitable for women or are undecided or want to leave their partner?
Thanks in advance



Member since
November 2020

10 posts

Posted Wed November 11, 2020 12:05amReport post

Thx for the recommendation. Is the course for people whose partners maintain they are innocent too? Mine says he knows nothing about the alleged image and I'm feeling in limbo until the police complete their investigation (we're only a few weeks in) and finding the anxiety & uncertainty crippling!


Member since
May 2020

204 posts

Posted Wed November 11, 2020 11:24amReport post

Hi ladies

Thanks for your replies.

Summer, there is a lot of talk around images offending but the course on the whole is about Internet offending so it could still be really useful for you.

The course is designed to help us to get our head around the situation so I think even if people are undecided whether they want to stay, it will be beneficial. Knowledge is power.

As for someone who's partner is denying the offence... I am not sure to be honest as it is fairly confronting. Maybe further down the line could be better.

Before the course you would have a consultation with a practitioner who will go through the course outline and also assess you and determine whether they think the course is suitable and whether it's the right time for you to do. This consultantion is £80 and lasts around an hour and in itself is very useful. If you do the course there is no further fees aside from a donation if you choose.

Hope that helps.



Member since
December 2019

371 posts

Posted Wed November 11, 2020 4:05pmReport post

I only found out about the inform course for family much later into the process with my partner. I knew the course was available to him but not a version for me. It wasn't until he had a chat with his probation officer about how isolated I felt that the PO went out their way to let me know about this forum.

I have done my own research through LF and stop it now resources as soon as I found out he was under investigation two years ago and now feel not sure if I'm suitable for the inform course. I am content with knowing some triggers and how some slip into this hole but I only really have my partner's perspective. And he has been quite honest with me when he did the course but I wonder if it is worth me signing up especially to learn about spotting the signs and help prevent possible reoffending. I trust he won't but you never know ...

I can't really afford 80 quid to consult. So I was wondering from those been on the course if you think I should consider it? Bearing in mind my partner was sentenced a year ago and I believe the course is more for those earlier in the process and after the knock...

Also does the course cover how to address these offenses with others? E.g. one of my friends whilst drunk admitted their uncle is under investigation but I didn't speak up and was frozen, I didn't want to say much thinking it might give away my partner (no one in my family or friends are aware)


Member since
October 2020

479 posts

Posted Wed November 11, 2020 9:16pmReport post

I don't think the course could hurt Majestic, even maybe to meet others not via this forum and talk to them about it? I'd call the LF helpline and they might be able to shed some more light on whether they think its for you or not at this stage in time!

Lucy from Stop it Now!

Member since
September 2018

443 posts

Posted Thu November 12, 2020 11:40amReport post

Hello everyone,

Thank you Rainbowgirl80 for all your feedback regarding the Inform programme. It is really lovely to hear that you have had a positive and helpful experience. I understand that Rainbowgirl80’s post regarding Inform has lead to several questions so please find below a brief summary of what Inform is, who it is suitable for and how to progress onto the programme if you wished to do so.

Inform is for family members, ex-partners, partners and close friends of those who have been arrested, placed under investigation, cautioned or convicted for accessing indecent images of children. The programme can also be relevant for family members, ex-partners, partners and close friends of individuals who have engaged in sexual communication with children online. Suitability for the programme is assessed on an individual basis, and on some occasions Inform may be more suitable on a 1to1 basis instead of a group. This can be discussed further during your initial consultation with a practitioner. As a charity we try our best to ensure charitable funding is available to support our work with families. This is not always possible so we may ask for an initial consolation fee of £80 or a donation from participants’, however, in some cases we recognise this is not always possible and can discuss this further during calls to the helpline.

Inform is a 5-week long programme which aims to give members information about the nature of Internet offending, including motivation, processes, the ‘cycle’ of offending, risk and other important issues. This helps to equip you with the knowledge you need to better understand and discuss what has happened and find a way forwards. For more information about Inform you may wish to visit here. If this is something you think you may be interested in than please do contact our helpline on 0808 1000 900 and they can discuss the programme with you in more detail.

I hope that you can see from above that Inform is available to any loved one of someone who has been arrested, placed under investigation, cautioned or convicted for accessing indecent images of children, or engaging in sexual communication with a child. It does not matter how recent or long ago the knock happened, you can still access this programme for support and guidance. The information covered within the programme will be able to offer some insight into common motivations, risk and other factors which is beneficial information no matter where you are in your journey. It is also important to highlight that if you have chosen to stay with, leave or are undecided about your future relationship with this individual, this will not impact whether or not you can access the course. Inform is for any loved one affected by this behaviour, irrespective of their current circumstances.

I hope this information has been helpful, and you have more insight on what the Inform programme is. As mentioned above if this is something you are interested in then please do contact our helpline.

Take care,
