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Anybody else’s SW not turning up for appointments?

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Member since
October 2020

172 posts

Posted Tue November 10, 2020 11:08pmReport post

Hi reader I’m Just asking if it’s just my SW that rings up and says they are visiting the next day and then they don’t show up? Twice I’ve waited in for her and twice she’s let me down. I have my meeting later this week with her team, the police and my partner about protection plans for the children. I know they are busy but a simple text or call would be nice. If this carries on like this can I ask for a different SW? Also I suffer from really bad anxiety and I get in a state when I’m expecting her to visit

Thanks Rusty.


Member since
November 2020

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Posted Wed November 11, 2020 12:08amReport post

Hi, no advice but just to say that sounds pretty rubbish! I've been "lucky" with SW so far in that they have turned up when they say they will and have so far been reasonable to deal with. Still horrible and anxiety inducing having them involved in our lives though so I share your feelings in that regard :-(


Member since
October 2020

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Posted Wed November 11, 2020 2:39amReport post

Thank you for replying. It’s so frustrating and I feel if I wasn’t in when she said she was coming then it would be a different matter and she could report back that I was being difficult and Un cooperating.

Rusty x

Rebecca 1234

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October 2020

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Posted Wed November 11, 2020 9:20amReport post


Mine was a nightmare. Didn't turn up when she said she would. Sent me textes meant for someone else. Called me the wrong name. Didn't ring me on days she said she would. Asked me questions she'd already asked then said oh yes I've asked you that already!

you are right no excuse to ring or drop a quick text. They hold so much power it's scary!!


Member since
October 2020

172 posts

Posted Wed November 11, 2020 11:05amReport post

Hi Rebecca

Ur right the whole point that she has so much power scares me. One word wrong to her and she could take my kids away and stop me seeing them scares me. I’m a nervous shaky wreck today.

Thanks Rusty

Rebecca 1234

Member since
October 2020

67 posts

Posted Wed November 11, 2020 2:16pmReport post

I felt just the same as you. I'm so sorry you are going to have to go to this meeting. It's just really awful. It's the waiting as well isn't it. Remember I had 3 days to wait for something and it felt like 3 weeks. Time slows down. Please let us know how it goes won't you and know we are there with you in spirit. You've got this xxx


Member since
October 2020

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Posted Sat November 14, 2020 12:19pmReport post


I have not had protection conference yet but so far 2 social workers have quit. First one came and made promises to me that they would be consistent then finished the next day. The 2nd one didnt even say he was leaving and he was the assessing social worker. I have seen no reports apparently conference is on the 19th but i have had no invite yet just a text saying it might be then at 3pm. My daughters school had an invite but saying it is at 2pm. No consistency at all.

I appreciate they are understaffed and overworked but they are even getting the basics wrong.

Hope all goes well for you x


Member since
November 2020

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Posted Sat November 14, 2020 1:50pmReport post

The SW that we currently have is turning out to be the same from what I've read of your post..Monday just gone was the first time in about two and a half weeks that we saw her and then she just sort of landed it on me via a text that she'd forgotten a visit was due to see our daughter..Then about two weeks before that I was meant to have an assessment session with her and I was sat waiting for over half an hr at home and I thought where is she? So I txt her, the reply I got was "oh yes sorry I was meant to contact and cancel the session but I'll be in touch the following week to re-arrange". That never happened I might add.

The most annoying thing is that when you txt them like they say you can , they haven't got the decency to reply..

I get that they are busy, but they seem to think that you've just gotta sit there and put your life on hold for them..Now our case is behind because she's been "busy " with other cases as she put it and now has to request more time to assess me..I've since text her twice and no reply again.

Our case will be even further behind because after Monday coming, she's going on annual leave..The frustration is killing me as it must be you.Although shes completed the assessment,it's me she's not done any work with, not my fault , now we have to wait even longer before she decides when my husband can visit us at home instead of us meeting outside in the freezing cold with our daughter.


Member since
October 2020

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Posted Sun November 15, 2020 9:42amReport post

Annie1969 its frustrating isnt it. If it was us not turning up they would say we are failing to work with them.

I have been doing my research. I am supposed to have initial conference on thursday. Still had no invite and supposed to be able to read through reports two days prior to the meeting. Nothing.

I had a couple of texts from the duty manager which didnt tell me much except admin team would send an invite but he thinks it might be on the 19th. Also asking me to contact husband about attending. We no longer live together since the knock.

I know they are busy but its like they just dont care. Its not their lives its affecting. Thats how it feels.

Hope your social worker sorts herself out. I am awaiting appointment of my 3rd in under 2 months.

Good luck x


Member since
October 2020

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Posted Sun November 15, 2020 12:44pmReport post

Thank you everyone for replying. I’ve seen my SW once and had my meeting my children are on the protection register. Nobody contacted me before meeting for my views the report was sent the night before the meeting via email - full of lies- I honestly thought I’d lost my kids and the letter turned up the on morning of the meeting while it was happening. I know covid has a lot to answer for but come on all this and 2 no shows from SW is a bit beyond it now.

I’ve told my partner he can walk away from it all and not fight to see his son if he wants and I’ll understand but he’s adamant he’s gonna fight and prove he’s no threat to him. My daughter from a previous relationship couldn’t care less (she’s not even bothered about seeing her dad) I know she hates SS and laughed and didn’t agree with the bits on the report I’d read out to her about me.

I don’t know what I’m going to do yet I suppose if we didn’t have our son, I didn’t love him for the last 7years, everything was perfect before the knock and the house is in both our names I’d have walked away from it all by now.

Thanks Rusty x


Member since
October 2020

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Posted Tue November 17, 2020 10:10pmReport post

Thanks for replying. We have another visit this week they say they want to talk to my daughter but she’s told me she’s going to refuse to which will be fun for me.

They have told my partner he can see his son with a supervised meeting by his parents as apparently I can’t do it as they think I can’t protect my son. My in-laws tell me SS have said to them that they will only allow this if my partner tells his parents everything (can SS do that?) I don’t know how much they know or don’t know.

Its all such a mess and will be for along time. Thanks again

Rusty x


Member since
October 2020

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Posted Wed December 9, 2020 7:44amReport post

So children are now classed as children in need on plan. Meeting was over phone. Still no idea who our social worker is now. We were supposed to have a meeting last Thursday at3pm on teams. I booked afterschool club and got ready etc, waited and waited til 4pm and rang school. They were also still waiting so I rang social care office. Eventually get told it had been cancelled but they were too busy to late anyone know. It's just crazy. I know my kids are safe and everything but if they are like this with us, what are they like with the families and need proper intervention now. They are failing so many children and adults in crisis.

When I finally spoke to a social worker later that day, she apologised and said she knew I was doing everything I should so wasnt worried in that respect and was going to suggest we get downgraded so support was only given at schools and not through social care. I reminded her I was ok at the moment because he isnt here but he hasnt been charged yet and it's only easier because the kids dont want to see him or speak to him. When he tries to force contact then the fun will begin. They just have such an epic workload they cant cope.

I hope everyone is doing ok. Christmas is going to be a tough time for us all. Take care xxx