Family and Friends Forum

Distressed and pregnant

Member since
November 2020

934 posts

Posted Wed November 11, 2020 7:31pmReport post

Not sure if anyone can offer any advice but it's worth a try. I'm not able to spend any time in my bedroom and the whole house holds memories I'd rather not relive every day. I'm currently private renting a house that will be too small once I have the baby. Houses in this area to rent have massively increased in price and I'll only have my income, which will decrease whilst on maternity leave. I've applied for council and social housing (same application for my area) and have been told I don't qualify. I really need to get out of this house as soon as possible but also stay fairly close as kids in crucial years at school and have been disrupted enough with all of this. I have a midwife appointment next week and I'm hoping to have a conversation with her to see if she can support my application. Has anyone been through this that can help me please? xxx


Member since
March 2019

243 posts

Posted Wed November 11, 2020 7:37pmReport post


I have a friend who was not in your situation but got help from health visitor initially and then social worker. She had mental health issue and asked for a support worker. Lots of her mental heaalth issue was down to her noisy and aggressive neighbour. Health visitor got her a support worker through the social worker.
she had tried for social housing but was old she was adequately housed and that it would be ten to fifteen years before they found her anything. Social worker got involved as well as support worker. Three months later she got the keys to a brand new two bed house. This tells me that they have some kind of clout to help people get moved from where they are. Good luck x

Distressed and pregnant

Member since
November 2020

934 posts

Posted Wed November 11, 2020 7:45pmReport post

Thank you, that's really helpful. I'll definitely speak to the midwife and see if it's possible to see a health visitor before baby is born if they're more experienced in this. SS have closed my case but I don't mind them being involved for support. I just want some sort of normality and to be able to sleep xx