Family and Friends Forum

Today Is a bad day

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Member since
September 2020

42 posts

Posted Wed November 11, 2020 10:12pmReport post

I feel absolutely horrendous tonight. I don't understand how your father who is suppose to be your ultimate protector, someone who should never hurt you, could access IIOC. And why?? Why did he do it. Everything feels so broken. Including me. I feel really like I'm grieving for the life that I had. And I just cry. I cry and I cry and I cry. I feel so fragile.


Member since
October 2020

172 posts

Posted Wed November 11, 2020 10:48pmReport post


i feel exactly like you I keep asking why? How did I not notice? How did I not notice something was wrong? I can’t cry though I think it’s shock still but I can’t cry. Part of me still doesn’t believe it but part of me is angry so so angry at how can he put us through this? How can he destroy what I thought was a perfect family. He’s thrown 7 years away and the chance he will ever see his child again for his own selfish needs?


Member since
March 2019

243 posts

Posted Wed November 11, 2020 10:56pmReport post


Im not sure what I can say to make you feel better but I wanted to reach out to you after reading your post so that you know your not on your own and can get support here.

have you tried calling the helpline for some support. I'm told they are very good in helping people understand possible reasons that dads! , uncles, sons etc view images. I have no experience with images as my son was involved in a communication offence.

have you tried talking with your dad? Telling him your struggling? He may or may not know why he viewed images. Many people have underlying issues that led them to do things that they would never otherwise do. Some men can't answer why they did it until they have been through counselling and sorted themselves out.

I, as well as many ladies on here have been where you are right now. Some are right where you are as we speak. That's what makes this forum unique. We are all pretty much in the same boat. The only difference being is sometimes it's the dad who has offended and sometimes it's the son, uncle or grandad.

you sound very angry with your dad at the moment and I understand that emotion. I can't explain the anger I felt for my son when our lives changed in the blink of an eye. It's horrendous but it does get better with time. I know this as I'm over two years in. My son was sent to prison for some time and he's due home very soon.

one thing I would say is that not all men who view images or commit communication offences are bad men. Around ninety nine percent I suspect are good men who have made a bad choice. I wish to god men could be made aware of the real life consequences of their actions when they commit this crime. It's not only their life they destroy. It's the whole families lives that are destroyed .
take care for now x

Rebecca 1234

Member since
October 2020

67 posts

Posted Thu November 12, 2020 12:41pmReport post


Although our situations are different I can relate to your emotions. All that you thought was true is a lie. A person who you thought you knew you feel you didn't. Your whole past has been erased or wasn't real if that makes sense. Maybe that isn't how you feel but I'm so sorry you are going through that. Don't fight your fragility. Take care of yourself. I read recently imagine you are a good friend who has come round to your house, treat yourself like you'd treat them.

keep posting. We are all here for you.


Member since
October 2020

479 posts

Posted Thu November 12, 2020 3:01pmReport post

Heya JE,

Are you new to this journey?

It totally normal to feel what you are feeling right now given the situation ... It's something we've all asked ourselves about the ones we love..

There will be bad days, there will be average days and there will be good days... Take each day as it comes and remember that we're here, vent to us just like you have today if you need to