Family and Friends Forum

Category C seriousness?

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Member since
April 2020

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Posted Thu November 12, 2020 2:11amReport post

Soo my partner was arrested last October and now his case has been pushed back to March next year!! We've found out he had around 3000 images majority of which were cat C. I understand any amount is terrible regarding this crime but just wondering if this will be seen as one of the more serious cases and what I should expect?


Member since
July 2019

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Posted Thu November 12, 2020 10:59amReport post

I'm really sorry to hear the case has been pushed back how long have you been waiting to get to this point? You prob just want to get it over and done with! I'm not sure about the consequences there are sentencing guidelines online but your solicitor should be able to give you some guidance about other cases etc and if mitigating factors x keep strong x


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April 2020

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Posted Thu November 12, 2020 9:48pmReport post

Hi the whole thing happened last October so over a year now and still waiting. His lawyer seems useless so I don't hold much hope. His parents want us to get back together but I want children and I don't see how that's possible


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October 2020

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Posted Sat November 14, 2020 11:22amReport post

Hi there Christine,

Have you and your partner talk about it at all? Why he did it? It's all so fresh so I understand if you don't want to yet... Might help with your decision that's all



Member since
October 2020

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Posted Sat November 14, 2020 12:12pmReport post

Hi Christine, i dont know if this helps my husband was arrested for category A. They said its the worst and more likely to carry a custodial sentence if it gets to court. Cat C whilst still serious is less likely to result in prison and more likely to be a fine, adding to the register and some work with the agencies i believe. I may be wrong but thats what i was told.


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March 2019

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Posted Tue November 17, 2020 6:34pmReport post


My husband was arrested in Feb 2019 for 150 photos total 19 A, B and C. He went to crown court Oct 16th this year and He got 10yrs on register and 2yrs suspended sentence with £1450 costs. We were hoping it wouldn't get in the press as it was COVID but it did with photo and so was our address. We have had a brick thrown through our window and now husband is thinking off moving away on his own as he his terrified he is going to be stabbed . He hasn't been outside since it went in paper on 18th October. We have been given panic buttons, window locks, door alarms and personal alarms. We are also waiting for Bobby's charity to come round for security cameras. I feel lost and very lonely as my friends (well thought they were) have also deseerted me. Hope this helps.


Member since
October 2020

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Posted Tue November 17, 2020 6:42pmReport post

Heya Anxious,

Sorry to hear that people have threatened you. It's disgusting the way people react. They've no right to what so ever. It's nothing to do with them. I hope that you get no more instances and ease try and be safe



Member since
April 2020

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Posted Tue November 17, 2020 8:37pmReport post

Hi "anxious" I know exactly how that feels I'd love to talk more as we are feeling the exact same!


Member since
April 2020

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Posted Tue November 17, 2020 8:38pmReport post

I don't know if I trust that it's cat C as he's said some is cat A this has been well over a year now just want it all over. His family are supporting him but I want babies soon and obviously that can't happen


Member since
July 2019

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Posted Tue November 17, 2020 10:29pmReport post

I guess Christine it's not a case if you can't have them it would be the intrusion of ss in your life if you did and the stress that brings. I think ss would be involved all the time your partner is on the register so depending on what he's done and sentance he gets depend howling you may have to wait to avoid them


Member since
April 2020

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Posted Wed November 18, 2020 8:47amReport post

I'm involved in social services from when I was a child and when it happened I was told I'd never be able to have kids with him if I fell pregnant and gave birth they'd come to the hospital and make me choose the baby or him if I chose him they'd take the baby away


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October 2020

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Posted Wed November 18, 2020 11:53amReport post

Christine, do you want children with your partner or is it that you just want children? If you don't mind my asking...


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April 2020

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Posted Wed November 18, 2020 3:03pmReport post

Well I used to want them with him


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December 2019

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Posted Wed November 18, 2020 3:41pmReport post

It might not be the case for everyone, it does seem SS are not consistent across the country, but I was told if I wanted a child with my partner while he is on SOR and SHPO (ten years) he would not be allowed at home with me for at least a year...I haven't asked more into this because I do not want children anyway.

And I understand you saying majority is cat C but I just want to earn you that ofc Cat A is taken alot more seriously and it isn't always a numbers game. My understanding is that if there is at least one cat A the judge could impose the max sentence for that. My partner has a mix of all three however and got suspended sentence.

Edited Wed November 18, 2020 3:41pm


Member since
November 2020

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Posted Tue December 8, 2020 11:14amReport post


My husband downloaded kik and was sent a puesdo image, he deleted it but left the application open which resulted in him then being sent thousands of iioc from all 3 categories..

im petrified of what's going to happen, we don't know yet..he's not been charged with anything yet but is on CPS bail until March 2021..he's not allowed contact in the home but can can have contact in the community, isn't allowed contact at home yet.solicitor told him if charged the most he could expect would be a suspended sentence..

you feel like it's never going to end that it will never be may look like I'm making excuses for him but I'm not, but the only thing he's guilty of is downloading kik.

yes I'm angry with him , why wouldn't I be? He could potentially have ruined the life I thought we had..

I think the worst part is the not just want it over with some can try to move forward..

he's in a bad place, on anti depressants because he wanted to take his own life last year and all because he went on kik..

my fears are if the media getting hold of it if he goes to court and having to move away..

I hope you get the answers you are looking for



Member since
October 2020

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Posted Wed December 9, 2020 7:52amReport post

My husband doesnt know how many images he had on his phone. The one that bought the knock was a cat a image. The police and I actually agreed 1 image is too many. He said he didnt go looking for it, it found him... also many other excuses but the excuses dont matter, hes still done it.

He doesnt live here anymore, hes still not been charged. The kids wont talk to him.

You are right in that it's not a numbers game. I think when it comes to court etc it is all dependant on the judge on the day.

Part of me just wishes they had caught him sooner. Charged him already. I feel bad for him but I dont feel I would ever trust him again.

Hope you all get some answers soon, it's such a long drawn out process made worse by covid and cutbacks