Family and Friends Forum

So many triggers

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Member since
September 2018

286 posts

Posted Wed January 9, 2019 12:14pmReport post

Im at work (luckily alone). Ive just seen an article in the daily mail, i know i should read crap like that but the headline is 8 men have committed suicide due to peadophile hunters. I read it but now im shaking. The article wasnt too bad for that paper but didnt go far enough to talk about the damage caused and the reason some of these crimes are commit or signpost anyone reading wherr to get help. I was surprised some of the comments were fairly measured. I just start to feel better then it all sets off again, the fear, worry and utter awfulness of this situation.

Edited by moderator Fri January 25, 2019 10:41pm


Member since
September 2018

72 posts

Posted Wed January 9, 2019 12:25pmReport post

Yes - I've just been reading the BBC's version of the story on the News app. The focus, thankfully, was more about the impact on families than appears to be the case in the article you read in The Daily Mail. Apparently the issue was featured on Victoria Derbyshire's programme which I guess might be worth watching if any of us can bear it. I don't imagine there is a family member reading this forum who hasn't had to face up the possibility of their close relation or friend killing himself as a consequence of detection. I had to get my ex to promise not to do it for the sake of his children, his mother and me.

Unfortunately the triggers do keep coming. They will lessen with time for you Maria, but people are obsessed with the idea of paedophilia and the media will pick up on the most salacious tidbits to share with the public. And, as far as social media is concerned, people think they can say anything they like and there will be no consequences. I can only hope that organisations like Lucy Faithfull and the more responsible journalists out there will be able to fight back a bit and continue to give us a voice - we are victims too.


Member since
December 2018

383 posts

Posted Wed January 9, 2019 12:39pmReport post

This is my biggest fear at the moment. I may have separated from my partner but the last thing I want is to find out he was so low and troubled he killed himself.

the press and social media has a lot to answer for.

i just don’t want death to be part of the story.

I get what you mean about the triggers. It seems everywhere though it may just be we never noticed the stories before we were involved.

There are people out there who can separate the behaviour from the person. But doubt these are people who comment on the mail.

Big hugs xxx


Member since
September 2018

286 posts

Posted Wed January 9, 2019 12:48pmReport post

What a brave lady lesley is. I hope if my husbands story ends up in the press i will be brave enough to respond and try to make a difference. Its hard to see and read stuff like this but i guess there needs to be more of it. I think when/if my husband is charged i will ask for help from lucy faithful in writing a press response should i need it.


Member since
December 2018

383 posts

Posted Wed January 9, 2019 1:52pmReport post

I agree with your sentiment she is a very brave lady.

Will everyone who is charged end up on the local press. It seems so unfair to do this to people. The shame of the offence is enough to ruin anyone.

Its good that the Lucy Faithfull Foundation is there for us all in times of need.


Member since
September 2018

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Posted Wed January 9, 2019 3:04pmReport post

Hi, i also read this on the BBC news app and it was a trigger for me too as i know when my son was caught with internet offending he was very suicidal and was on watch when he was on remand, it's what terrified me the most as i honestly thought and know if he'd had the chancehe would have taken his own life and this would have finished me, my son told me when he was on remand that he was looking for things in his cell that he could end his life with, i was devastated and he had what they call "Listeners" in prison to come and stay with him, he said they were very good. 3 years later i'd like to say he know longer feels like this and doing well. I also had a trigger today at one of my social groups i go to, a guy was talking about how there was a paedophile (god, i hate that word) living next door to him and how bad it was that he and his family had to be moved because they lived next to a school(the offender and his family that is) a conversation broke out about it between a few others in our group and i began to feel verry uncomfortable, i did not join in the conversation, i couldn't because i know my views would be different, they were saying how bad it was that the guy was living next door to him and was allowed to live next to a school before being moved, i wasn't sure what to say but carried on, on the sidelines drinking my coffee and began talking to someone else, i was just wondering do others feel like this? None of them know my circumstances as it never hit the media ect and my son only had 3 images but i still felt like i wanted to walk out but somehow i stayed there and the conversation broke off and began talking about other things, i felt quite proud of myself for just sitting in on this conversation as normally i would have left in tears xx
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