Family and Friends Forum


Member since
November 2020

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Posted Sat November 14, 2020 11:38amReport post


i feel as if i'm living a nightmare or that this is some sick tv show.

was woken up at 8 yesterday morning with several large policmen knocking on the door (i live with my mum and younger brother).

no information given except "safeguarding issue". we are a close three and have very few secrets... until now.

my brother as of last night has been charged but we still don't know the severity, obviously, at any level it is shocking. i don't know the process, does the fact that he's been charged mean that he is definitely going to serve time? i have so many questions regarding the crime and him but is it selfish for me to think that what he's done is hugely destructive for my mum and me? what will this mean for our social lives? our community?

i love my brother more than anything, he is outgoing and popular. he is only 20. i worry about his mental health, i worry about the reasons he was doing this.

i can't compute or comprahend what is going on, and i can't talk to anyone outside of my mum or dad for fear of rejection. it is as if a bomb has exploded in our house and no one knows so no one helps. we are in complete panic and distress and bemusment.

i just want answers and support from people who have gone through this. the anger hasn't struck yet because i am so worried about him being alone in a cell with his thoughts.

thank you in advance

Edited Tue November 17, 2020 12:08pm


Member since
November 2020

25 posts

Posted Tue November 17, 2020 12:09pmReport post

i am also devestatingly worried about my brother's mental health and can't help thinking that he migh kill himself. my mind hasn't stopped racing and i constantly feel like i'm going to throw up


Member since
October 2020

479 posts

Posted Tue November 17, 2020 1:27pmReport post

Heya there billion,

First thing first - take a good few deep breathes... It seems silly but it'll help. Sorry to find that you are here under the circumstances..

Do you know what the police are charging your brother with? Did they remove any electronic devices? It could be a number of things from indecent images to texting a girl or boy under the age of 18.

How is your mum doing?

Being arrested doesn't necessarily mean serving time. There are a number of factors involved, from first time offence to the catagory if images (if indeed that's the case)

You can always phone the Lucy faithful telephone line for more answers and a chatb


Member since
November 2020

25 posts

Posted Tue November 17, 2020 4:54pmReport post

hi blackhound,

none of us have been able to cry, i think it's the shock.

my mum is broken, she can't sleep or eat and is desperatley upset as it's my brother's 21st birthday tomorrow.

this afternoon he was denied bail by the crown court(?), his plea hearing is on the 1st of december.

we don't know the charge exactly but do know its downloading and distributing images, we havent been told what category or how severe.

i am hoping that because this is a first time offence, he is young and is showing remorse that he will not have to serve time. i'm only 23 and am trying my best to keep my mum distracted. she just wants her son back and keeps checking her phone.

i am completely lost for words but reading this forum is really helping, knowing that what we're going through has happened to other people is quite grounding.

thank you for replying, it means a lot to me x

Edited Tue November 17, 2020 7:20pm


Member since
May 2020

204 posts

Posted Tue November 17, 2020 5:29pmReport post

Hi Billion

How awful for you and your family.

This offence is on the up hunny. Most of these men are not what society portrays them to be. Most men watch mainstream porn first and become totally desensitised to what they are watching. They fall down a rabbit hole and it takes that knock to snap them out of it. For me.. Its my husband and our knock was may this year. He can't live with us right now as we have kids.

I can totally empathise with how you and your mum are feeling. I could not eat or sleep at first. The shock and disbelief are immense!! Please both try and get support from your gp... Medication and counselling if need be.. Encourage your mum to join the forum too. She will find lots of other mums too. Also both call the helpline regularly. Things will get easier over time. Take care hunny xxx


Member since
April 2020

34 posts

Posted Tue November 17, 2020 6:08pmReport post

Hi Billion

I had the knock on the 13th of Feb, my son had downloaded cat A,B &C images,

it depends on how many images there are , the police stop counting at a 1000,

my son had 132 . He went to trial on the 28th of Aug and got a 2 year suspended scentence. Luckily due to covid his probation service is over the phone, all devices are to be checked evey 2 to 3 months.

At first you are in total shock and can not think straight , i too couldnot sleep or eat, i went to my Doctors and went on antidepressants.

10 months in we are in a better place, it takes time but you will get there x


Member since
November 2020

25 posts

Posted Tue November 17, 2020 7:19pmReport post

hi rainbowgirl80 and jake,

i have been on antidepressants for 6 years now, and thankfully started weekly therapy last week before any of this happened.

i think my mum would benefit a lot from this forum and the support it brings.

we spoke to my brother on saturday afternoon when he arrived at the prison but we haven't heard from him since which is leading my mum to think the worst. we are very lucky that our dad is here helping with everything, but the fact it's isolated within the family makes it all the more suffocating.

we know so little about what images he has and how many.

i miss him so much, and considering how close we are i feel like i should've known and prevented this.

thank you for your kind words X


Member since
November 2020

45 posts

Posted Tue November 17, 2020 8:17pmReport post

Hi, sorry you've found yourself in this group!

Did they remove devices yesterday or did this happen months ago and he didn't tell you?

My partner (same age as your brother) had the knock a few weeks ago for the same crime and was released under investigation (will definitely be charged) until the forensics have looked at his devices.

I know how you're feeling, it's really horrible but it does get easier xxx


Member since
November 2020

25 posts

Posted Tue November 17, 2020 9:12pmReport post

hi lolamoo73,

our "knock" was on friday morning (friday the 13th!)

the police have taken all of his electronic devices including phones that he hasn't used since he was 14.

we worry that the reason he hasnt been granted bail is because of how serious his crime was which then leads us to worry about the actual sentencing.


Member since
July 2019

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Posted Tue November 17, 2020 10:26pmReport post

I'm sorry you find yourself in this group but we are wonderful and strong people also living this nightmare.
You may find it useful to contact the helpline and talk through what's been happening and how you are feeling you are in no way to blame how could any of us have guessed?

maybe your brother has t been granted bail because if his mental health rather than the actual offences. When people are arrested for these offences they see a nurse to assess mental well-being and if it is thought he is a danger to himself or others then may not be granted bail.

please take things hour by hour day by day stay strong and keep coming back


Member since
November 2020

25 posts

Posted Wed November 18, 2020 2:15pmReport post

hi summer,

thanks for your supportive advice.

and thank you all for your replies.

today is his birthday and i miss him dearly. as the older sibling i feel very protective.

i'm hoping the reason they are keeping him from us is because of his mental health, but, i'm sure anyone would choose their own bed rather than a shared cell if given the choice, but i guess he's lost the right of a choice.

i hope we hear from him today, it would definitely put my mum's mind at ease for a bit. i think covid is preventing him from calling.

i know he's done this awful thing, but all i can imagine is him being scared and homesick and alone with his thoughts and all i want is to hold and protect him. i'm so conflicted with my feelings towards what he has done and the amount i love him. i guess this really shows the power of love and forgiveness.

again, thank you all xxx

Distressed and pregnant

Member since
November 2020

934 posts

Posted Wed November 18, 2020 4:24pmReport post


Has anyone given you advice on adding credit and phone numbers onto his account? I've not had experience with setting this up as my partner/ex partners parents dealt with it all. Hopefully someone will give you some advice around this. You can also set up to email him if you know his prison ID number. It's not a fast service but it's a method of letting him know that you're thinking of him. You could also try calling the prison to get information about setting his phone up etc. I'm so sorry that you find yourself in this situation xxx

Rebecca 1234

Member since
October 2020

67 posts

Posted Wed November 18, 2020 4:51pmReport post


So sorry you and your mum are going through this. I assume he accepted legal representation. Can you get the name of the company and contact them? If he declined it you need to get him a solicitor straight away. Does he have a history of mental health issues?


Member since
November 2020

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Posted Wed November 18, 2020 5:10pmReport post


he has good representation as we (my parents) are hugely lucky to be able to afford a good solicitor and barrister (by the skin of their teeth).

we have put credit through for him to call us, but he hasn't yet, does anyone know if it is difficult to ring out during covid?

his mental health has always been fragile, but he has always refused professional help, i assume now this is because he was scared of someone uncovering this secret.

my mum has just set up an email to email him.

we are able to get messages to and from him through the legal help, but these are limited and always just "i'm sorry and i love you".


Edited Wed November 18, 2020 5:10pm


Member since
May 2020

204 posts

Posted Wed November 18, 2020 8:29pmReport post

Billion, you sound like an amazing big sister!!

I remember the early days after the knock... The shock and trauma is unreal. You are offering him support and also trying to understand some of the reasons why your brother may have ended up going down this rabbit hole. The majority of our partners / sons were suffering from deep mental health issues and not talking, not accepting support. Hopefully this will be picked up in custody and he will be given some medication and talking therapy.

Have you heard from him today? It must be so tough it being his birthday.... But you can have a delayed celebration when he is home. He is going to need your support.

Please be kind to yourself and make sure you're getting support too... You and your mum. It's cliché but the only way is to take a day at a time. Xxxx


Member since
November 2020

25 posts

Posted Thu November 19, 2020 4:51pmReport post


thank you.

we feel that because we are now accosiated to him, we too are treated with suspicion and contempt by the police.

my brother is a good person who did a bad thing.

we are now tainted. xxx


Member since
May 2020

204 posts

Posted Thu November 19, 2020 6:36pmReport post

Hi billion

Yes.. Guilt by association.. I completely relate to that... However... We have to remember that we have done nothing wrong. We are not guilty of anything aside from loving them and trying to understand.

People are not all just one thing.. Like you say... He is a good person who did a bad thing.

Hope things get easier for you lovely xxx


Member since
March 2019

243 posts

Posted Thu November 19, 2020 6:57pmReport post

Hi Billion

i have experience with how things work in prison because sadly, my son is in prison. It took my son six days to call me when he first went to prison. This was because the prison has to set up a PIN number on the phones unique to the prisoner. They also have to clear any numbers the prisoner is going to call. He also needs to know from memory the phone number he's going to call unless he wrote it down before he was remanded to prison. If he does not know the number someone will have to send it to him.Depending on the prison, this can take days. I remember some of the six days I waited for his call. The stress and anxiety it caused was not describable. When I got his call on the evening of day six I thought I was going to pass out from the relief of hearing his voice. I called the prison on day two and they put me through to a family liaison person. That person told me that he had spoken to my son that motprning and reassured me that he was doing ok. I was grateful for that but it did not put my mind at ease. I'm in Scotland so things could be slightly different. I know how hard it is but sit tight and he will phone. Remember, he will be worried about you and his parents as well as he's bound to know how anxious you all are as each day goes by that he can't call you. Also here in Scotland prisoners are only getting out three times a day and sometimes only twice but even with that my son has been able to call. I honestly think it's just a case of the prison has not set up his phone account yet. Take care x


Member since
November 2020

30 posts

Posted Thu November 26, 2020 12:48amReport post

Hi billion,

A similar thing happened to my dad over a year ago now, and by the sounds of it I had the exact outlook as you. I knew what he had done was wrong, however there was no way I could turn my back on someone who needed my help.

My dad went to prison, purely based on his mental health, he wasnt granted bail at first because he had openly said he was going to kill himself... never easy to hear as his daughter but we knew he was safe. It took him a few days to get in contact with us as he had gone into complete shock, had no recollection of how he got there or what he had done.

I actually ended up writing a letter to him! I had to do a lot of research on how to get it to him, but I managed. And that was just enough to bring him back to us for him to get in contact again! We were then able to find out what had happened and re applied for bail, which were granted second time round!

keep fighting for your brother your doing the right thing sticking by him, he'll need you more then ever now, it'll be a long journey but the storm will pass, and we are all stronger then ever a year later xx