Family and Friends Forum

Sad sad

Member since
December 2018

25 posts

Posted Wed January 9, 2019 7:23pmReport post

Well.... I need to rant. I am so so angry tonight. I've had a week from hell but got to day 3 of the kids being at school without incident . But my boys neighbour decided to post on FB this morning and it has all started up again.

And to make matters worse what she actually posted was inaccurate n untrue.

And my so called friend said i can't blame people for feeling this way ....

Everyone is the judge n jury. All commenting and judging but without the correct information. Just believing the kids in the paper. They don't care what harm this is doing to my family . It's cruel. It's unfair. I feel these people should be held accountable too for inciting hate crimes.

Rant over.... Sorry feeling distressed n back to square one

Edited by moderator Fri January 25, 2019 10:39pm

Sad sad

Member since
December 2018

25 posts

Posted Wed January 9, 2019 7:55pmReport post

Sorry about typos....

Nosy neighbour n news in paper


Member since
September 2018

286 posts

Posted Wed January 9, 2019 9:26pmReport post

Social media and in fact the media really dont care about peoples lives. I hope soon things die down for you and people leave you alone to get on with life. I really feel if people just minded thier own business life would be much nicer. Stay strong, eventually people will move on to something else.


Member since
September 2018

286 posts

Posted Wed January 9, 2019 9:28pmReport post

Writing things down really helps, i like to write all the negative feelings down then burn it. Its quite theraputic seeing the words disappear.
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