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Member since
June 2019

208 posts

Posted Wed November 18, 2020 2:03pmReport post

Hi everyone

I just wondered apart from what is read out in court, how do the media find out information about an offender? My partner is not on any social media, he has changed his surname and moved to a different address, but I am still so worried about any media interest in him. He is still RUI so we have no court date as yet.
We are hoping they will just read out his new name and not his former name when he does go to court. I regularly google his name and nothing comes up apart from his Company registered info, which you cannot get removed apparently.

Do the police release information? I know they sometimes release their photo.

thanks in anticipation

Mabel x x x


Member since
March 2019

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Posted Wed November 18, 2020 2:35pmReport post


im in Scotland so not sure if it's the same rules in England .

my son moved before conviction, came off social media etc.

press could not get a photo of him so the police released his mug shot on arrest to the press when asked for it so yes, here in Scotland, they do release some things to the police. Take care x

Rebecca 1234

Member since
October 2020

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Posted Wed November 18, 2020 4:55pmReport post

There is a possibility they will read his new and previous names and address unfortunately. News outlets have access to court papers which is how it gets onto social media. But there is also a chance they won't. Not knowing is awful isn't it. So sorry.


Member since
April 2020

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Posted Wed November 18, 2020 7:02pmReport post

My husbands address was read out in court - not our home address as he wasn't living here at the time but staying in another town. Consequently his case appeared in the local paper in that town rather than our local newspaper - for this I will always be grateful. It did however say in that newspaper article where he was when he downloaded the images which was our home addrsss (so our road was mentioned).
His case was only in the paper once - the pre sentence hearing not the crown court hearing. Weirdly there were no journalists there for that hearing.
It was the thing that terrified me the most and I'm so glad that that part of it is over. You do get through it xxx


Member since
April 2020

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Posted Wed November 18, 2020 7:03pmReport post

Oh yes and definitely come off Social media so you can't be tagged in anything.


Member since
March 2019

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Posted Fri November 20, 2020 6:28pmReport post

Hi.. mine was similar to Belle my husband had moved out at the time and they only read his then address. However a reporter was in court and although we tried to be careful he managed to get a photograph. If I had my chance again I would get one of those life like masks for when he is walking out of court.. disguise yourselves as much as possible when leaving court. They do follow you. It was 2 years ago now we are back together and trying to rebuild our lives.. Good luck flower you will get through xx


Member since
April 2020

34 posts

Posted Sat November 21, 2020 12:25amReport post

Hi Mabel

you can ask your solicitor not to have your address anounced in court,

covid-19 is a great help at the moment as no one is in the court room , so no media reporting x


Member since
April 2020

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Posted Sat November 21, 2020 9:51amReport post

I hate to say this but my husband case was during lockdown and there was a journalist there. The paper also used a photo of him taken at arrest so I assume this was given to them by the police.
It all seems to be the luck of the draw I'm afraid. Many of these cases don't get reported in the media - I was told by LFF that usually only the 'public interest' ones but sadly this wasn't the case with our situation. It's something that is one of the most stressful things about this situation but you do come out the other side x


Member since
February 2020

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Posted Sat November 21, 2020 11:57amReport post

Hi my partners case was reported at the height of lockdown March/April at first when he went to plead guilty and his sentencing in April both articles were printed with my address (I own the house)
When he was sentenced everything was locked down he appeared via video link no one was allowed in court so all I can think is the local paper got his case/photo from the police!! When I was first contacted by his solicitor after his arrest I said could I stop them printing his address but all she said was the press had the right to print it even though it's my house, because it's the address he's registered at when arrested. She said if I'd thrown him out then they'd print no fixed abode, same when he was denied legal aid!! I never got the chance to throw him out because he was arrested and remanded in prison so how frustrating and infuriating is that.
The press part was the bit I feared most constantly on edge waiting to see if it would come out, when it did I was devastated I hid from people we both knew. Definitely come off social media to stop any more upset I did this a few days after his arrest. It takes a while but after the dust has settled with the nightmare of court, and the not knowing with the press it seemed some sort of relief, I now think people have seen it and it's old news. Like people have said it's a mixed bag wether it gets printed and probably goes on who else is in court that week and of course what they have done.

Mum in distress

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August 2020

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Posted Sun November 22, 2020 5:54amReport post

I have a friend who works in a press office and she said it really does depend on what else is going on, on the day. Public galleries are open despite lockdown, all lockdown does is prevent the vigilante groups from getting in which is a problem in my area. But journalists can still get in because they are doing their jobs. Court lists are available on the internet and it's quite easy to distinguish this type of case from others.


Member since
June 2019

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Posted Mon November 23, 2020 12:24pmReport post

Thanks so much everyone for your replies.

Yes I did think the police released the mugshot photo's???? I wonder if you can ask them not to?????
I think he will be in the press as he was caught by a vigilante group and they always seem to attract attention.

The solicitor will ask for previous name not to be read out, but apparently it is not guaranteed that they won't still do it.

He is 2 and a half years waiting as of beginning of Dec, released under investigation as I said. I bet the press don't mention this length of timely has been and the stress it puts family's under, plus all the rehabilitation he has done!
Wishing everyone the best

Mabel x x x


Member since
August 2019

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Posted Mon November 23, 2020 2:33pmReport post

I have seen 2 reports in my local paper where the judge commented on the length of time that the police took to bring charges and all the work that the offender has done since their arrest. So, it is possible if the reporter is in the court room at the time and not just relying on court reports. Though obviously the much better outcome is for it to not be reported at all.